Empire in Crisis
physical attraction at all. His sexbots and erotic holographic programs
satisfied his physical needs quite well.
    Before he could say anything, she jumped to
attention and saluted. Tradition said that the Emperor did not have to return
salutes, otherwise he’d be doing so hundreds of times a day, but there was
nothing to prevent him from saluting if he wanted to. He decided that he would
and saw her look of surprise.
    “You can relax, Senior Lieutenant Hood. Please
resume your seat. I want to reassure you that you are not in trouble, at least
not with me, and I also want you to know that the only thing you and I are
going to do here today is talk.”
    “Th…thank you, my Emperor.”
    When they were both seated, DeChastelaine
leaned back in his chair and looked at Hood carefully. She was leaning forward
and if it was possible to sit at attention, she was trying her best to do so.
    “I know about your transfer and the reason for
the rush. Your minority report concerning the Conqueror vs Valkyrie question
was brought up at the weekly meeting between the senior Space Force hierarchy
and myself. I was the one who introduced the minority report, using it to
question the recommendations of the joint Board report. Admiral Hiakawa was
clearly unhappy about having that report thrown in his face, which is why he
arranged to have you and probably your two compatriots shipped off to new
postings that, at least in your case, might actually pose some risk of physical
danger. I presume you’ve heard about the hostile alien contact in the Rift?”
    Hood’s eyes widened with sudden comprehension.
“TD39? I heard rumors of something happening out there, but I wasn’t sure where
    “Well, I don’t know what rumors you heard, but
I can tell you that based on the After Action report by SubCommander Tyler
Logan, your former fellow Fearsome Four member, I’m convinced that the Empire
is at war with an unknown and apparently very hostile alien race that probably
comes from the other side of the Rift. I find it most curious that two of the
best tacticians from my Academy class are involved in this development either
directly or indirectly. What I find distressing is how unconcerned Admiral Hiakawa
and the Strategy Board seem to be about this new situation. If we wait for them
to act, we’ll be giving the enemy a priceless advantage. I’m going to be
getting daily operational briefings from Hiakawa. In fact, today’s briefing
should be happening right now, but it’s my prerogative to make Hiakawa wait
while I talk with you. Tell me, Lieutenant. Do you take your oath seriously?”
    Her eyes widened again. “YES, my Emperor!” Her
expression showed that she was distressed that anyone, especially her Emperor,
would have to ask that question.
    “I thought so. The reason I ask is that I have
good reason to believe that Admiral Hiakawa does NOT take his oath to obey and
give loyal service to the Emperor seriously. In fact, there is reason to
believe that he is willing to order Capital Fleet’s marine contingent and its
combat armor to remove me from power if I become a serious obstacle to his
personal agenda. If that confrontation takes place, can I count on your
support, Senior Lieutenant Hood?”
    “Yes, absolutely, my Emperor, although I’m not
sure how much help I’d be against marines with combat armor.”
    DeChastelaine was pleased, and he allowed his
face to show it. “I don’t expect you to put up a suicidal defense against
overwhelming odds, Lieutenant. If you find yourself in that kind of situation,
then my plans will have failed, and you are then free to look after your own
survival. Now that the Empire is at war, avoiding that kind of fratricidal
confrontation is even more important, but letting Hiakawa and his army of
incompetents fight this war their way is equally unacceptable. Space Force is
bloated and rife with nepotism, factional infighting and corruption.

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