Empire in Crisis
officers are held back while less competent officers are promoted solely due to
their family or patronage connections. As a result, we’re losing our best
people when frustration and anger result in resignations.
    I’m going to try to do something about that,
but I have to do it carefully. What I would really like to be able to do is
fire ninety percent of the top 100 flag officers and rebuild the top echelons
from scratch, but Hiakawa would not stand for that kind of drastic action. I do
think he’ll tolerate me taking a good hard look at our Fleet Admirals and
making some changes there. If I have to rely on getting that information from
his staff, it might be tainted. I need someone on my staff who is familiar with
Space Force officers and what a good Fleet Admiral’s service record should look
like. And if that in-house resource person also happens to have excellent
strategic insights, that would be even better. If you’re willing to accept this
kind of assignment, I’ll see to it that your transfer is quashed and that
you’ll be seconded to my staff for an indefinite length of time. You’ll
effectively be my personal Strategic Adviser, a one-woman Strategy Board.
Believe me when I say that in my opinion you can do more for the Empire as a
member of my staff than anything Admiral Hiakawa is likely to let you do. What
is your answer, Lieutenant?”
    A big grin broke out on her face. “My answer is
yes, my Emperor.”
    DeChastelaine smiled too. “Good! Very good! Now
I’m going to have my briefing with the Admiral. I’ll inform him that I want you
seconded to my staff immediately, but his interpretation of immediately may be
different from mine, so I think you should remain in the Palace until your
transfer is officially rescinded. I don’t want the Admiral to be tempted to
order his Military Police to carry you onto that transport and then claim that
you didn’t get the word about the transfer cancellation in time due to some
snafu. So remain here for now. I’ll have someone get you and show you where
you’ll be working, and when it’s safe for you to do so, you’ll be allowed to
leave the building.
    “When you come back tomorrow, your first
assignment will be to gather the relevant service records and other data on all
three-star admirals. I then want that list sorted by criteria that will show me
who are likely to be the best and the worst fleet commanders. You can use your
own discretion in deciding what those criteria should be. As far as being a
member of my staff is concerned, you’ll be subject to the authority of my Chief
of Staff when it comes to administrative matters, but in terms of workload and
assignments, you will take direction only from me and no one else. I’ll inform
my Chief of Staff that you’re to have unlimited access to me whenever you feel
that it’s necessary. Use that privilege carefully. I’ll set aside some time
every day to meet with you, but only use the unlimited access if something
can’t wait until the next meeting, understood?”
    “Understood, my Emperor.”
    DeChastelaine stood up. “Good.” He waited while
Hood also stood up. “One more thing. I don’t think Admiral Hiakawa will set
aside his personal ambitions while the Empire fights this war. I expect him to
continue to try to gather more authority to himself at my expense, and he is
capable of engaging in covert and underhanded activities. If ANYONE approaches
you and attempts to intimidate, threaten or bribe you, you come to me and tell
me. Don’t try to handle the situation yourself.”
    “I understand completely, my Emperor.”
    “Excellent. I think I’ve kept the Admiral
waiting long enough. Until tomorrow then, Lieutenant Hood.”
    DeChastelaine had a few words for the guard
standing outside the room and then a few more words for his Chief of Staff
before entering the same conference room used the day before.
    When Hiakawa’s annoyed expression

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