Edge of the Heat (Westwood Harbor Corruption)

Read Edge of the Heat (Westwood Harbor Corruption) for Free Online

Book: Read Edge of the Heat (Westwood Harbor Corruption) for Free Online
Authors: Lisa Ladew
goodness was it perfect - swayed slightly back and forth as if he were dancing to a tune only he could hear.
    Wow, he is handsome even from the back.
    Emma swallowed, trying to get her throat to say words. Her mouth opened but nothing came out. Excuse me? Pardon me? Hey you? Yo handsome? What in the heck should she say?
    He must've felt her eyes o n him because he whirled around quickly, pointing a piece of toast at her like a gun. When he saw her he relaxed and smiled. Those disarming dimples sunk into his cheeks. His face was all man, but the dimples gave him a little boy look that made you think he could do no wrong.
    Emma felt her knees weaken a little bit. What in the hell is going on with you sister? He's just a man! You've seen handsome men before! Get a hold of yourself!
    " Uh, hi, uh, you, uh," Emma stammered.
    Ugh. She wanted to slap herself in the face. She was never tongue-tied around men. But then she wasn't attracted to very many men either. Spending most days of her life with tons of handsome men, all of whom were just normal people, did that to her. Looks didn't impress her anymore. Besides, her ex-husband was one of the most handsome men she knew and also one of the biggest jerks on the planet.
    "Hi, Emma right?" He strode towards her, big legs eating up the distance between them in nanoseconds. She put her hand up, intending to shake his, but he kept coming. He leaned in for a hug and actually picked her up off her feet and squeezed her, twirling her around once and setting her back down where she started. His scent: warm cologne, bacon, and pure, clean man, enveloped her.
    Emma gaped up at him.
    He chuckled, "Sorry, I know we haven't even met yet but I feel like I know you already."
    "Frankie has told me all about you, and I spent some time praying that you would recover fully, and of course I have already had my lips on yours." Redness crept into his cheeks at that admission but he didn't look away.
    Emma's eyes widened and her mouth tried to open wider. It was already open as far as it could go though.
    "Oh, ah, nobody told you I gave you rescue breaths?"
    She managed to shake her head no.
    "Yeah, uh, well, once I got you turned over and your airway open, you still weren't breathing. I didn't have an aid bag or a mask so I, uh, I just uh ..."
    He trailed off, still gazing in her eyes. Emma almost forgot what he was saying. His dark baby blues wer e so blue and big. His eyes had the innocence of a 2 year old - incapable of telling a lie. He put his mouth on hers?! That was unheard of these days! With diseases and lawsuits, you never, ever put your mouth over someone else's mouth. You always used a mask or a barrier.
    But he didn't have one. And he didn't want to wait for one. He would have done the same for any of his brothers here in the engine company. That rule didn't necessarily apply to others in the business.
    In her mind, his lips closed over hers. She shivered.
    "Oh, ah, I'm totally clean you know. I don't have any Hepatitis or anything." She heard him suck in a nervous breath and hold it.
    Oh man, he thinks I'm worried about getting something from him because I haven't said a frickin word yet! Emma, say something! She screamed inside her own head. Mentally, she slapped herself across the face.
    "Um, Craig, right?" She forced a smile and took his hand in both of hers. "Thank you so much. You saved my life. I owe you big time."
    His shoulders relaxed and the smile
    ( and those dimples, dear lord! )
    reappeared. "No way, you don't owe me anything, anymore than that lady you saved today owes you anything, amiright?" He tipped a wink to her and headed back over to the stove top.
    She chuckled, "Yeah, you are right, I guess."
    He turned back around, two plates in hand, and put them in front of two opposite chairs at the table. "Sit down and have some lunch with me."
    She eyed the plates. BLT sandwiches. Yum. She eyed Craig. Bigger yum. "Ok." Emma smiled and pulled out her chair.
    The radio squelched and

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