Edge of the Heat (Westwood Harbor Corruption)

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Book: Read Edge of the Heat (Westwood Harbor Corruption) for Free Online
Authors: Lisa Ladew
Norman, the only man she'd been with since Jerry knew her certainly hadn't been fun. He had be en all hot body, hot passion, and then 100% abuse. They had only been married for 8 months, and 7 years later he still acted like he owned her. He still put the word out that she was a slut, a whore, and his so if anyone ever did show an interest in her it wouldn't last long.
    "Well, Em, I don't think I've ever seen you have fun. And besides, how do you know this guy isn't the guy from the vision?"
    "Because he has light skin and light hair!" Weren't you listening when I told you about the vision?"
    "Of cours e I was - I guess I just missed some of the details."
    "The man in the vision had dark skin, and dark hair."
    "Dark like what - black?"
    "I don't think so. His skin was really dark but his facial features didn't look black. Maybe he was Indian or Mexican or h alf something? Like President Obama," Emma said and smiled.
    "Maybe it is President Obama - Emma Hill, yes we can," Jerry finished in his best Obama impersonation, including a leer and an eyebrow waggle.
    Emma giggled. "Yeah you goof. Don't call me once I've kicked Michelle to the curb and moved into the White House."
    "Oh I'll be over for dinner every night!" Jerry stopped the silliness and asked "So if it's not this guy - what are you going to do? Be celibate until your vision guy shows up?"
    "Yeah like that's hard? I've been celibate for 7 years now."
    Jerry gave a low whistle of appreciation. "7 years? That's like a lifetime. Why would you do that to yourself?"
    "Ah you know, every time I got involved with a guy after - after Norman, he always got to them and told them horrible stuff or threatened them. They never stuck around. They never called back. They wouldn't take my calls. One guy wouldn't even talk to me afterwords. That was Sam, you know the cook at Cafe Rio? I don't know what Norman said to him but it must have been awful because I went to his work once and tried to get him to talk to me and he wouldn't look at me or say a word. The owner finally threw me out and told me never to come back. Eventually I just stopped trying to date."
    "Did Norman like, s py on you?"
    "Maybe. I don't know. Maybe he just has a lot of ears on the ground, being a cop and all."
    Jerry lapsed into a serious-sounding silence where he chewed on his bottom lip and furrowed his brow.
    "Em, I love you, and I never want to see you go, bu t one thing I've never understood - Why do you stay here in this nasty city? Why not move somewhere new and start a new life where Norman can't ruin it? I know you have the money, and I know you have the guts."
    "Lotsa reasons Jer - you gotta know. Westwood Harbor isn't exactly the nicest place to live but you don't move either. And this is my home. I grew up here. And ..." here she trailed off, wondering if she should share her biggest secret ever, the one that hit the first head injury secret out of the park.
    Jerry pulled into the school zone and drove as slow as possible, probably trying to finish this conversation before they had to get out.
    "And what?"
    Emma sighed. Jerry was her best friend. He knew almost all of her secrets. If anyone should know this s ecret it was him. For the 100th time in the last 5 years she said a little prayer of gratitude to herself that she had never told Norman this.
    "And, I have a twin sister and I don't know who she is and I don't know if she lives here, but if she does, and I move, I may never run into her." Emma pushed every word out in one quick, shaky breath.
    "Twin sister!" Jerry exclaimed, pounding on the steering wheel once and pulling himself up and out of his seat. Emma watched her feet. She wasn't sure if she was glad or not that she had shared. Jerry had a tendency to overreact to things and be loud when she wished he would be quiet.
    "You have a twin sister and you never told me?" Jerry asked incredulously, as he pulled in front of the school and put the ambulance in p ark. Emma glanced up and saw a woman

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