Edge of the Heat 3

Read Edge of the Heat 3 for Free Online

Book: Read Edge of the Heat 3 for Free Online
Authors: Lisa Ladew
phone. Her belly fluttered at the thought of seeing Hawk. She wondered if he would say anything to her.
    She grabbed her purse and headed out into her car, hoping the traffic would be light.
    As she pulled up to the building, the butterflies in her belly started up again. She bit her lip and said a silent prayer that he would be nice. She didn’t know if she could take anymore attitude from him.
    At the building she pressed the button at the front door. Craig answered in a light voice, “Come on in Vivian, just keep heading straight down the hallway.” The door buzzed and Vivian pushed it open.
    At the far end of the hallway, Craig stuck his head out and waved her in. Her footfalls in the empty corridor made her feel nervous. Like she was walking towards some horrible fate.
    Once inside the large, open room, she blinked at all the electronics. The far wall was lined with monitors that looked like they were watching several different rooms with people going about their business in them.
    “Wow,” Vivian breathed, taking it all in.
    Craig smiled. “Sit down,” he told her, indicating an office chair.
    Vivian did, looking around for Hawk. She didn’t see him.
    “Hawk is getting a test kit, he’ll be right back.”
    The door behind her opened and Vivian smelled him before she saw him. She couldn’t place his cologne, but it always appealed to her. It smelled warm, and strong. He wore just the right amount. Just enough to make her knees weak.
    He came around the chair and nodded at her. “Vivian.” It was a statement.
    She smiled a small disappointed smile and said “Hi Hawk.” Apparently he wasn’t thrilled to see her today.
    In his hands was a small, blue kit. He put it down on the desk and pulled two cylinders out of it.
    “I just need to get some, uh, saliva and tissue from the inside of your cheek.”
    She nodded. She knew what this entailed. First he’d scrape a little wire brush on her cheek, and then he’d rub a big q-tip in there. She knew it wouldn’t hurt.
    He came close with the cylinders in his hands and knelt on one knee before her. She watched his powerful muscles move underneath his shirt. The butterflies in her stomach did somersaults at the reality of Hawk being close enough to touch her.
    She opened her mouth for him, her brain suddenly filling with erotic images. She felt her cheeks flush red and between her legs flush warm. Quit it quit it quit it she admonished her body and mind, shame making her blush.
    He uncapped the first tube and gently rubbed the business end in her cheek, being very careful not to touch her, then did the same with the second tube. Nice , she wailed inside her mind, closing her mouth. You’re lusting over this man who won’t touch you or even hardly look at you. What is wrong with you ?
    “That’s it,” he said. “We should have results in a week.”
    “Ok, thanks a lot.” Vivian stood up, eager to get out in the sunshine and away from this man who made her feel like a silly teenager with no control over her hormones.

Chapter 8

H awk pulled out into the road, squinting against the afternoon sun, glad to be on his own for a bit. He loved Craig like a brother, but Craig was always so damn happy, so damn upbeat. And he talked constantly. Sometimes Hawk just wanted to be silent and hear his own thoughts for once. Not that they were pleasant. But still, they were his, and sometimes he wanted to hear them.
    Sometimes Hawk wondered how Craig had managed to keep his happy nature after Lucy’s murder. Sure he grieved, but even during his grieving he was normally in a lighter mood than Hawk on a good day. Hawk sighed. It was just a fundamental difference in their personalities, he guessed. Craig just let things roll off his back. He accepted the good with the bad and didn’t make a big deal out of either. Every day found him positive and thrilled to be alive. Hawk was more of a thinker. A ponderer. He wanted to know why . And he wanted to be in charge of his own

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