His Surrogate For Hire: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance

Read His Surrogate For Hire: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance for Free Online

Book: Read His Surrogate For Hire: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance for Free Online
Authors: BWWM Club, Esther Banks
Teresa. This is like a fairy tale. I'm like,
like Cinderella," she said, figuring it out in the moment as
they spoke.
    "So are you saying you found your Prince Charming?"
    "I am definitely not saying that, Teresa."
    "Well then what are you saying?" her friend asked.
    "I am not really saying anything."
    "Maybe you should be, Diana."
    Diana hated when her friend made such valid comments. "Or maybe
I should just let things be as they may. I'm not sure this is the
kind of thing that needs to be pushed in any way."
    Teresa scrunched her face. "That's up to you. Either you can sit
and wait for the man to really make a move or you can make some moves
happen. Which girl are you?"
    It was like Teresa was some type of coach, calling out plays from the
    "I am not going to mess up what I have going on here. For all I
know, Clay is just being pleasant to the woman who will birth his
child. I don't think it is anything more than that. I’m pretty
sure he would not be some complete jerk when I am not in a position
to be stressed by anyone."
    Lips still pursed, Teresa conceded. "Fine. But I still want you
to consider what I'm saying. Keep your eyes peeled and pay attention
to what is going on there. I'm sure you will figure out what I'm
talking about in a minute."
    "I have to go." Truth was she did not have anything else to
do, but he wanted to end the conversation. She had already made her
point very clear and knowing her friend well, Diana knew Teresa was
not going to change her mind.
    They bid their goodbyes and Diana threw herself on the bed. She had
not given much thought to anything other than the need to change her
life's circumstances. There was nothing she wanted to get in the way
of her windfall.
    But Teresa was right, Clay would be a great potential catch. He was
intelligent, a bit on the eccentric side, but his unconventional
wisdom and personality was part of what made him attractive.
    The fact that she used the word attractive to describe him briefly
got under her skin. He was her employer. And besides that, he was way
out of her league. A man with the kind of money he had and the
lifestyle, he could afford could have any girl he wanted. Just
because they had some friendly conversation, it did not mean he was
interested in her for anything other than the job she was there to
    There was no reason for her to start thinking that way at all. That
was not even the reason why she was there, moved in to his home. They
had not met with the intention to date or do anything other than the
work at hand.
    Diana did not want to let Teresa's musings get her off track. She
would have to ignore her the next time Teresa brought up the subject.
She had to stay focused, but living a bit of the life of those on the
other sides of the track would not be so bad either.

Chapter 5
    It only took about a month to settle in. The feeling that the rug
would be pulled from under her was starting to dissipate. She could
finally relieve some of the stress of the changes that happened
recently. Relieving that stress was going to be a vital part of
getting pregnant.
    Clay had been out of town the entire month so there was no pressure
there. Diana could relax from the feeling that her employer was
watching her every move. Although it was great to have all of her
needs taken care of, she had always worked for herself and she was
used to making her own money. Diana just decided to treat it as the
blessing it was and take every day as it came to her.
    The trials started for the insemination. Never had Diana thought
about meeting the right man, getting pregnant, and having a family.
That seemed so far off for her. She had not gotten her career where
she wanted it and with losing her job, Diana felt like she was
backtracking now. She was unsure how she would reach all of the
dreams and goals she had for herself. They now seemed unattainable.
And finding love was like the unicorn in all of the fairy tales she
read; beautiful, treasured, but not

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