Dream World

Read Dream World for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Dream World for Free Online
Authors: T.G. Haynes
Tags: Erótica, Fantasy, Adult, Paris, role play, deram world, dream trip
went up. Robbie then tackled the buttons on his jacket, popping them one by one in time with the music, until it flapped open and revealed his hunky chest. Feigning embarrassment, Robbie held his hand up to his mouth, as if shocked, before turning his back on the girls.
    The audience ‘booed’ the way they would a pantomime villain. Robbie pretended to look hurt, then, as if the thought had only just occurred to him, keeping his back turned to the crowd he slowly inched his jacket off his shoulders. The boos quickly turned to cheers once more, reaching fever pitch when he span around and flung the jacket into the auditorium. A tall black woman jumped up and caught it, which elicited cries of approval from her friends. Raising his right hand to his brow, Robbie peered out into the crowd to see what had become of his top. The black girl waved it enthusiastically. Robbie beckoned her to join him. Without a moment’s hesitation she wiggled her way through the crowd and up onto the stage.
    Robbie held out his hand and asked if she’d mind giving his top back. The girl refused, so he dropped down on one knee and pleaded. Once again the girl shook her head. Wondering how he could get her to change her mind he scratched his chin thoughtfully. Robbie clicked his fingers as if struck by an idea, got to his feet and whipped off his trousers. The audience went absolutely wild. He then bent over and invited the girl to spank his bottom. Throwing the jacket aside, the girl approached him. As she playfully slapped his buttocks, Robbie ooo-ed and aaahed.
    Deciding he’d taken enough punishment, Robbie leapt up, span around, took the girl in his arms - much to her delight and amusement - and proceeded to dance around the stage with her. Finally, as the track that was playing came to an end, the pair kissed, enthusiastically. Her moment of fame over the girl left the stage, waving. Robbie called for a big round of applause.
    The next track to come on was Donna Summer’s ‘Hot stuff.’ Picking up the rhythm of the music, Robbie began to dance once more, showing impressive gymnastic ability as he gyrated around the stage, threatening to take his red thong off at any moment, only never quite doing so. As the song hit the second chorus, Robbie took everyone by surprise by leaping off the stage and onto the table at which Sylvia and Kate were sitting. Robbie danced around the full circle of women, musing over which of them to pick, until eventually his eyes locked on Kate.
    Given the packed night club, Kate wasn’t feeling quite as confident as she’d hoped, but when Robbie beckoned her to join him, she plucked up her courage and stepped onto the table. Robbie mouthed something to her. Such was the din being created, Kate couldn’t hear what he had said and so she leant towards him. It was exactly what he had been hoping for. Taking hold of her hands he hooked Kate’s thumbs into the waistband of his thong, then quickly stepped back from her. The thong ‘pinged’ off spectacularly and Robbie’s impressive cock sprang out. Cue wild applause. Kate felt her cheeks flush red, but was fairly sure that no one would be able to see given the garish disco lighting inside the club.
    Just as he had done with the previous woman, Robbie took Kate in his arms and danced with her. As he did so, she could feel his prick nudging against her thighs. Pulling her tight towards him, Robbie deliberately began to grind his groin against her. Kate could feel him growing harder and harder, so that by the time he span out of the tight embrace, he had a full blown erection. The assembled women cheered once more.
    With pantomime over-exaggeration, Robbie looked down at his cock and gasped in mock surprise at finding it standing out at right angles from his tight balls. He tapped his chin thoughtfully, as if unsure as to what to do with it, then asked Kate if she had any suggestions. Kate could think of quite a few,

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