Dream World

Read Dream World for Free Online

Book: Read Dream World for Free Online
Authors: T.G. Haynes
Tags: Erótica, Fantasy, Adult, Paris, role play, deram world, dream trip
own time. Glancing to her right she found Sylvia sitting on the edge of the adjacent bed watching her. Sylvia looked like the cat that had got the cream. It wasn’t difficult to guess what she had been up to.
    â€˜Well,’ Sylvia asked. ‘What do you think?’
    Kate grinned. ‘Can we come again next week?’

    The week couldn’t pass quickly enough for Kate. On more occasions than she cared to admit she found herself gazing out of the window at the office where she worked, daydreaming about what she would get up to when she next visited Dream World the following weekend. Her naughty angel kept conjuring up images of Richard’s magnificent cock. She wondered if she would be able to persuade him to join her on her second trip.
    In some respects, though, work proved a welcome distraction from life at home because the house felt empty without Alan there. All week he proceeded to bombard Kate with texts and e-mails. Initially, she ignored them, but as the week drew on she weakened and replied to one or two. In spite of how things had ended she couldn’t help reflecting back upon the first couple of years of their relationship and all of the good times they had shared together.
    If evenings were hard, bedtime was the absolute worst. Kate dreaded the lonely climb up the stairs at the end of the night. She ended up going to bed later and later, putting off the moment as long as she could by watching endless dross on TV. Unable to face sleeping in the main bedroom, she moved half her wardrobe into the spare room to try and reduce the risk of experiencing any nightmarish flashbacks.
    After what felt like an eternity, the following weekend eventually arrived. As she drove home from work that Friday evening, Alan tried to call. Kate ignored it. He tried again just as she pulled into the driveway and a third time as she was getting changed out of her work clothes. His fourth call came as she put a saucepan of pasta on the hob; his fifth as she was sitting down to eat it. The sixth time her phone rang, she had just poured herself a glass of wine. She snatched the phone off the coffee table and answered without bothering to look who it was who was ringing.
    â€˜Please stop calling, I’m finding it hard enough to deal with as it is,’ she said.
    â€˜Oh, be like that then,’ Sylvia replied.
    â€˜Who did you think it was?’
    â€˜It doesn’t matter,’ Kate said. ‘Just don’t tell me that you’re ringing to cancel our dream trip tomorrow.’
    Sylvia sighed. ‘I’m afraid I am.’
    Kate wilted. ‘Why?’
    â€˜Because I’ve managed to wangle us a last minute cancellation tonight instead. Fancy it?’
    â€˜Are you kidding! What time shall I meet you there?’
    â€˜Could you make it in half an hour?’
    â€˜I’ll be there in twenty minutes,’ Kate said, already halfway out of the door as she ended the call.
    If anything, the queues that Friday evening were even longer than when they had visited the previous weekend. Once again Sylvia didn’t hesitate to lead Kate around to the sneaky private side entrance. The only difference was, this time when they entered the dream chamber Richard was waiting for them.
    â€˜Good to see you again, Miss Phillips,’ he said.
    Kate had almost forgotten how good looking he was. Plucking up her courage she asked, ‘Would you mind joining me again? I was hoping we could pop back to that hotel in Sydney.’
    Richard was delighted by her request. ‘It would be a pleasure.’
    Eagerly, the girls went about preparing for their respective trips. As Kate lay down the door on the far side of the chamber opened and a burly security guard stepped through. He beckoned Richard over.
    â€˜Yes?’ Richard said.
    â€˜It’s him,’ the guard replied.
    â€˜He’s here again.’
    â€˜Keep your voice down,’

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