Doughnut Darlin' (Plus Size Romance 4)
    She screwed her face up.  “If Alan were a cocksucker, I wouldn’t have anything to worry about.  I’m pretty sure he prefers pussy— my pussy! So stop spouting bullshit and take me home.  I need to get far away from here and far away from you.”
    Ronan took her by the shoulders, forcing her to look at him.  “I’m not spoutin’ bullshit.  I found you four days ago, Raven.  I could have taken you back to that pervert then.  I could have given him your location anytime, but I didn’t.  I couldn’t.  Not after meetin’ you at The Little Doughnut Shop and talkin’ with you outside your apartment.  And I never will give you up to him or anyone else, especially not after what we just shared.”
    She stared daggers at him.  “You can’t give up what you never had in the first place.”
    RONAN HAD THE HARLEY handle bars in a death grip.  The ride back to Raven’s apartment building was the saddest of his life.  She was too angry to reason with, demanding he take her home immediately.  And he couldn’t blame her.  He should have come clean sooner.  Probably way before he licked her scrumptious cunt.  But damn it to hell, there would have been no good time to drop the Alan bomb.  Bad judgement or not, he was glad he had pleasured her in his bed.  He was going to fix this and make her feel good in that bed again—and again and again.
    Pulling alongside the walkway in front of her building, he cut the engine.  Raven had jumped off the bike before he could get the key out of the ignition switch.
    Leaping off the bike, he charged after her.  She was practically running. He called out, “At least let me walk you to your door.”
    She spun around so fast, they nearly collided.
    “Go away, Ronan! I never want to see you again!”
    Her words stung, but he understood her anger.  The best thing to do was give her some space.  It was well after midnight.  They both needed sleep.  He’d go back to the motel since it was close and catch a few winks.  First thing in the morning, he’d come back and try again.
    Ronan stopped at a gas station a few blocks from her apartment complex.  While he was filling up the tank, he flipped open his phone and called Raven’s stepdad.  Ronan didn’t give a dismal damn what time it was. He just needed to sever all ties with this asshole.  He no longer wanted the twenty- thousand dollars.  He’d find another way to pay for the cabin.  All he cared about was Raven.
    Ronan frowned when the phone rang and rang.  Anytime he had called Shore over the last week, the man had answered on the first ring.  That’s how anxious he had been to receive any news about Raven.  Maybe the rat bastard didn’t have his phone in the room with him.  Or, maybe it was turned off or set to vibrate.  Or maybe he no longer needed Ronan to tell him where Raven was because he already knew.  Shit! Ronan ripped the nozzle from his tank and tore out of the gas station.  He had to get to her before Shore did.
    RAVEN WAS MORE EXHAUSTED than she had ever been.  Dragging herself up a flight of stairs to her apartment, she was near tears.  How could an evening that started out like a sweet dream turn into a nightmare?  When she got to her door, she paused with her key hovering over the lock.  The fine hairs on the back of her neck prickled.  There was a tiny stream of light visible beneath the crack.  Shaking her head, she chastised herself for being so skittish and paranoid.  She was perfectly safe here.  No one except Ronan and the Dimsdales knew where she lived.  Obviously, she had left the lights on earlier in her haste.  She had been flustered by Ronan’s surprise visit and rushed out without turning them off.
    Opening the door, she stepped over the threshold.  Her eyes quickly scanned the living room.  Everything looked just the same as she had left it.  Knowing her fears were silly and unsubstantiated, Raven smiled to herself, locked the deadbolt and

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