Doughnut Darlin' (Plus Size Romance 4)
slid the safety chain into place.  All she needed was a snack and a good night’s rest. 
    Tossing her keys onto the coffee table, she made her way to the kitchen.  When she pushed open the swinging door that separated it from the living room, she screamed.  Bile rose in her throat as she fought the urge to faint.
    “Did you really think you could hide from me forever?” Alan Shore asked, sitting at the small breakfast table where Raven always drank her morning coffee. 
    The smug look on his face made her stomach roil with nausea.
    She answered his question with a question.  She was getting really good at that.  “How’d you find me?” Raven hated talking to him at all, but she needed to know if Ronan had sold her out.  If he had lied to her once again.
    He grinned, fingering the laptop lying on the table.
    “Pure fucking luck.  I was going through some of your mother’s crap and stumbled upon a receipt for this cute little laptop of yours.  Good old reliable, responsible Lana had insured it for three years, including GPS tracking in case it got lost or stolen.  I contacted the company and gave them the receipt number.  They were more than happy to help a desperate customer locate his valuable property.  And to think it had only been a two-hour drive up the road this whole time.”
    Raven groaned her disgust aloud.  How could she have been so stupid?  Her mother had given her five-hundred-thousand dollars; she could have easily paid cash for a new, untraceable laptop.  But, she couldn’t bear to part with this one—the one her beloved mother had given her, had asked her to write her books on.  Books that would make the whole world read.
    She fisted her hands in anger.  “You have no right to be here, Alan.  Get out!”
    The menacing look in his eyes made her cringe inwardly.  “I have every right, Raven Leigh Shore .  You’re my property.  I adopted you eight years ago and made you mine.”
    “You’re a sick sonofabitch, and I want you to leave right now.”
    Standing up, he advanced on her like a ravenous tiger on a helpless antelope.  “I’m not going anywhere. We are.  Pack your things, but leave the laptop.  I can’t have your little biker boyfriend using it like I did to track you down.”
    Oh God, Ronan—strong, sexy, bad boy, Ronan.  Even in the desperate, screwed-up situation she now found herself in, knowing he hadn’t sold her out made her heart soar.  Yes, he had lied, but they were lies told to protect her.  To keep her safe.  Raven should have stayed at the cabin with him.  Or, at the very least, let him walk her to the door.  If she had, maybe she wouldn’t be in this mess.  Alan would probably take her somewhere far away, maybe even keep her locked up in a room where she couldn’t escape.  She would never see Ronan again.  Never get a chance to tell him how she felt. 
    SHIT! HE WAS TOO late.  Ronan pressed his ear to Raven’s door.  He could hear Shore’s filthy voice threatening her.  For a brief second, Ronan thought about calling the police or getting the landlord.  But then there was a crash, a scream and the sound of breaking glass.  There was no time to find help.  He had to get Raven away from Shore now .  Taking a few steps back, he turned to the side, slamming his shoulder into the door.  It didn’t budge.  Adrenaline coursed through his veins, giving him the strength he needed to kick the door in.  Chunks of splintering wood flew in every direction. 
    When he bolted into the living room, his heart failed.  Shore had Raven in his clutches, holding her backside flush against his front, one hand gripping her waist, the other holding a gun to her head.
    With tears streaming down her cheeks, she whimpered, “Ronan, thank God you’re here.”
    “Where else would I be, darlin’?”
    Alan growled.  “Get on your fucking knees, biker boy, before I put a bullet in your big-ass girlfriend’s brain.”
    Ronan winked at Raven before

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