Dominion: Zoë Martinique Investigation, Book 6
see me do that, what do you
    "It makes me think that's where you
hid all my comics growing up."
    " Focus . What I mean is, even though
you can't see it, what do you think the Veil looks like?"
    I sighed. I had something I really
needed to talk to Mom about and I wasn't sure where this was going.
I glanced over at the nurse's station, where Nick and Jason stood
talking in low whispers. I figured Nick was filling Jason in on
what he'd learned in Canada. Where was Manuel? He hadn't joined us
in the limo at the airport—in fact, I hadn't seen him leave the
plane. "I think you have a layer of shelves around you—sort of like
standing in the center of a very small Roman coliseum. You know how
the seats are all tiered from small ring to larger
    "And the seats are the
    She made a rude buzzer noise. "Wrong.
It looks like that." She pointed at Joe through the
    I didn't get it at first, so I looked
back through. There were even fewer objects now, and as I watched,
I saw two of them disappear. A small box and a rock.
    That wasn't Tim's rock, was
    Then it hit me, and my jaw went slack.
"You mean what I'm seeing is what it really looks like in the
    "Exactly what it looks
    I involuntarily stepped away from Mom.
"You have things whirling around you at Mach 5 like he
    "They don't spin that fast once
everything's in place." She motioned me back beside her so I could
look in the room just in time to see a plastic bag vanish. That
looked like the last thing. "And I think he's got it."
    Joe slowly lowered his arms, and his
eyes opened. He wobbled a few steps. "Whoa…"
    "You'll get used to it." Mom walked
back into the room.
    I joined her and looked around for any
possible stray object, memories of an angry poltergeist in a house
off of Web Ginn House Road re-running in my head. "So…those things
are still spinning around Joe?"
    "The spell gives the knowledge on how
to start the centrifugal force needed on the Astral Plane in order
to create the Veil," Mom said as she demonstrated by gesturing
around Joe in the direction I'd seen all that stuff move. "Most
Veils run deosil in creation. If you run it widdershins, it'll slow
down and all the objects will become visible."
    "And hit people."
    Joe answered. "That's the theory.
We're not sure that's what'll happen. And that's my next
experiment. I've been trying for a few days to get this working."
He leaned his head to his left shoulder, then his right, as if
stretching his neck. "Wow. This is very…weird."
    I tried to process this. So much had
happened just since Daniel and I had gone to Montreal, and I was
going to need one of those handy-dandy flip notebooks I see cops
use just to keep up with it. Yet, I wasn't being as honest with my
reactions as they thought I was. Yeah, I was surprised to see Joe
doing this—somehow I'd been thinking this was just a girl
    What I hadn't shared with anyone was I
had my own version of this. But instead of some whirling dervish
thing, I'd learned to create a Box within the Astral Plane. It
wasn't so hard to do, having seen what Mom had done with the key to
that jewelry box in her bedroom. TC had shown me how after I'd
nearly killed Rhonda a few weeks ago. I had something I wanted to
use against her.
    Well, that's not true. I'd dreamed of
destroying her with it. TC stopped me and decided it was better if
I didn't have it quite so close to me. The night I moved out of the
Society House and into the apartment above Joe's, TC guided me
through creating my own personal Box. He had one, and kept things
he readily needed in the Physical Plane.
    His Box moved with him. But TC wanted
my Box to be stationery, so we'd built it in a place no one would
ever think of looking. I'd never told a soul about it, or confided
to anyone other than TC that I could do this.
    "So…can you grab something out and put
something in, like Mom and Rhonda can?" I asked.
    Joe winced. "I'm not sure I want to
that try just

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