Dominion: Zoë Martinique Investigation, Book 6
lady in faded
teddy-bear scrubs rushed to us and held her hand out to Mom's.
"Nona, I'm so glad you're here." Then her gaze slid over Mom, past
Jason and Nick, and landed on me. "Zoë! You're just the person we
need!" She moved past everyone else, grabbed my wrist, and yanked
me with her.
    "Hey—" was about all I was able to get
out as we hurried down that hall, turned a corner, and came out
into what I could only describe as Nurse Central.
    The room was built like a wagon wheel.
In the center was the control hub—a round desk with women and men
seated inside looking at monitors and talking into headsets. There
were five people in all, none of whom I recognized. What branched
off from the wheel's center were six pie-shaped rooms. The whole
thing looked like an ICU setup. Three of the rooms were lit up, the
others dark.
    "Lucy." Mom caught up with us and put
a hand on the woman's shoulder. "Is he awake?"
    "Yes." Lucy made sure I was looking at
her. "My name's Lucy Mullhaly. I'm more of an expert on Revenant
physiology. I understand the physics involved in what you—and he—"
She nodded to the farthest lit room on my right "—are. Did someone
brief you on what's been happening with—"
    That was Joe.
    I frowned at Mom, and she sighed.
"I'll take her in. These two can stay out here."
    Confused, and a little worried, I
followed Mom into one of the rooms branching off the Nurse Central.
The door wasn't locked so Mom pushed it open—
    Something smashed into the wall to my
left. I yelled out as a paper airplane flew at my head and then
ducked as another zeroed in between my eyes. "What the—"
    "Close the door!"
    I thought we were going to step back
out, but Mom pushed me on in. When I heard the door close, I looked
at the room.
    Joe Halloran stood in the
middle of a whirlwind of stuff . Books, papers,
    He was dressed in faded jeans, a
T-shirt and nothing else. Barefoot, and with wild hair, he turned
and faced Nona with a grin. "I think I'm getting
    My jaw ached from dropping so much
today. I'd seen Joe work magic here and there—but never a lot of
it. Not like Mom and Rhonda. So this was…this was…. "What the hell
is he doing?"
    "Hey, Zoë!" He waved at me. "Isn't
this cool?"
    Yeah…I was looking at the
scene out of Poltergeist in the kid's room. Whirling maelstrom

    Chapter Seven
    I waved back. Sort of. Then
I gave Mom my best confused-as-hell look.
    Mom sighed. "He's learning the Veil
    He's— eh ?
    I'm not dumb. Really. I mean, I'm not
stupid, but I don't have a genius IQ So me not quite understanding
what Mom was talking about shouldn't surprise me.
    But it did.
    I watched Joe for a minute as he held
out his hands and the maelstrom of flying things increased their
speed. I took a step back through the door and into the main
    "Don't worry," Mom said as she
followed me out. "He actually has more control over it than it
    I pointed at the room. "You
say he's learning the Veil spell—but when you put your stuff in your Veil, I don't see it. Why can I
see all that stuff flying about?"
    Mom smirked. "The Veil spell isn't the
easiest to master. I know Rhonda said all she did was read it and
poof—magic. That's just not true. I woke up several times to her
crashing stuff in the basement while she practiced it."
    Now that I could believe. I glanced back
into the room. There weren't as many things flying in the air now.
"Ah…some of them are gone."
    "Means he's just about got the Veil
    "Sorry…still don't get
    She pursed her lips for a second—and
of course I cringed inside. When I was smaller, that action meant
she was thinking about how to reprimand me. And that particular
face usually meant a very embarrassing punishment was on the
    Abruptly, she reached out
with her right hand, and poof . She had a book in her hand. She
held it in front of me. I recognized it as one of the record books
from the Botanica. "When you

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