Doctor Raoul's Romance

Read Doctor Raoul's Romance for Free Online

Book: Read Doctor Raoul's Romance for Free Online
Authors: Penelope Butler
to her patient.

    The little girl knelt quietly in the shadowed church, the candle she had just lighted glowing serenely before the statue of the Madonna and Child. Adrien crept past her, so as not to disturb her, and sat down to let the peace of the little building steal into her and soothe her.
    She started suddenly, to find the little girl standing beside her, looking at her with big brown eyes.
    “You’re Nurse Adrien, aren’t you?” the child asked.
    “Yes. And I think you must be Frances.”
    “Yes, I recognized you. Daddy has a picture of you. You’ve come to nurse Mummy, haven’t you? To make her well. You will make her well, won’t you?”
    “I’ll do my best.”
    “I’ve been asking Our Lady to help. We’re not Catholics, but I don’t suppose she’ll mind a Protestant candle, do you?”
    “I’m sure she won’t, dear. I’ll light one too.”
    When she had done so, Frances said, “Shall we go home now? Geoffrey’s there. You haven’t met Geoffrey yet, have you? I don’t think he’s going to like you very much.”
    “Why not?” asked Adrien, amused.
    “He’s got some silly idea about you.” They were out of the church now, and Frances took Adrien’s hand confidingly. She wasn’t exactly a pretty child, but there was character in the little face, and her eyes had Nicholas’s gentleness, Adrien thought.
    Adrien glanced at her watch, and quickened her steps. Jeanne had volunteered to keep an eye on Madame, while Mademoiselle the nurse explored the village—at least, that was what she had said if Adrien had interpreted her rapid French correctly—but she didn’t like to leave her patient for too long.
    Blanche met her by the wrought-iron gates. She seemed excited.
    “Adrien—Madame de Neuf has asked us—you and me and Pierre—to a party at the chateau tonight. An informal impromptu party. You’ll like it, Adrien. She’s awfully good at them. She’s asked Nicky too, of course, but I don’t suppose he’ll leave Gill. You will come, won’t you?”
    “I really don’t know if I’ll be able to. We shall have to see.”
    But Adrien couldn’t deny that she felt a thrill of anticipation at the thought of seeing the inside of the beautiful old chateau. And it was a long time since she had been to a party of any sort. Blanche tucked her arm in Adrien’s, in a friendly gesture. “I’m glad you’ve come. It’s nice having someone my own age.” Adrien wasn’t sure whether or not to feel flattered. She was nine years older than Blanche.
    “I get so bored here,” sighed Blanche. “I’m no good with children. I do wish Nicholas would realize that, would see it’s not good for them either, keeping me here. Geoffrey drove me wild this morning. Frankly, I can’t do anything with him. I—”
    She broke off. A little boy in blue shorts and white shirt came slowly down the steps of the house, a toy pistol in his hand. When he saw Adrien with Blanche, he stopped short and stood glaring at her, his thumb in his mouth, his large blue eyes—Gillian’s eyes—wide and hostile.
    “Who are you?” he said.
    Adrien smiled at him.
    “I’m Adrien. Nurse Adrien Grey. I’ve come to look after your mummy, Geoffrey.”
    “Go away!” said the child. “We don’t want you here. Go away!” His eyes, his mouth puckered up. He looked as though he might scream.
    Before Adrien could do anything, Frances sprang forward, seized his arm, and said something to him in French, which Adrien could not catch. The little boy turned unwillingly, and went with his sister into the house, pausing at the door to glare at Adrien.
    “You see,” said Blanche despairingly, “he’s hopeless. Frances is good enough on the whole, though she’s a deceitful little thing. One can never really tell what she’s thinking. But Geoffrey ... ”
    “I shouldn’t worry about him too much, if I were you,” said Adrien soothingly. “He’ll come around.”
    Blanche sighed again.
    “I want to talk to

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