Authors: Honey Palomino
murderous pimp that she’d gone undercover to bring down when she was a cop, I couldn’t believe it. But when he explained that she’d woken up with amnesia and had to work to regain her memory, I was in awe.
    I didn’t feel sorry for her anymore. I admired her.
    No wonder Ryder loved her so much. And Ryder was a pillar of strength himself. I hadn’t been around much back then, but I’d heard about how devastated he was when his wife Julie died in a car accident a year after they’d gotten married. We didn’t think he’d ever open his heart again, but somehow Grace had managed to get him to do just that. And they were perfect for each other.
    Riot, Lacey, Slade, and Doc also sat at the table with us. The only person missing was Zander, Ryder’s VP. He and his old lady had gone to the East Coast to visit friends for their twentieth wedding anniversary for a month.
    Riot and Lacey couldn’t take their eyes off of each other and they rarely left each other’s side. I’d finally pulled their story out of Riot late one drunken night a few weeks after I’d arrived and I couldn’t help but feel it sounded like something out of a movie.
    Lacey had lived a hard life, that was for sure. Her mother had sold her to the Mayor of Seattle after she stopped winning the beauty pageants she’d been forced to compete in as a child. After many years of being pimped out by the Mayor, of all people, she’d finally killed him after he beat her one night. Solid Ground had swooped in and saved her and now here she was, paying it forward.
    Slade used to be the biggest player of all, but now he was completely devoted to his girlfriend and kid in Portland. He lived there with them and drove in to the clubhouse when necessary. He always came back from Portland with a huge smile on his face and an air of satisfaction about him. His girl Diana is a news reporter, which makes for an odd pairing if you ask me, but I guess opposites attract, right?
    “Apparently, their marriage is for show only,” Grace continued. “Vanessa received our number from Diana several weeks ago. Please thank her for that, Slade.”
    “Will do,” he nodded.
    “Vanessa told me that Randolph killed her father, forced her into marriage and has been keeping her prisoner all these years, blackmailing her and threatening her loved ones if she ever left. I didn’t get the whole story yet, but she says she’s got information that can bring down Royce. Up till now, he’s been slippery as a snake and he blackmails anyone and everyone to keep his name clean and keep him out of jail. He thinks he’s untouchable. Maybe he is, in the traditional sense. But once we get Vanessa out of there, our hope is that she’s able to help us plan a way to bring him down, once and for all.”
    “What is it about these kind of men that make them think they can do anything they want and get away with it?” Slade asked.
    “Greed’s a powerful drug,” Ryder answered. “Build a man up that big and he begins to believe he’s invincible, that his money can get him out of anything, buy him anything. He begins to think the rest of us are just pawns in his playground.”
    “He has no value for human life, basically,” Lacey said. “I saw it first hand with Monty. He didn’t care about anyone but himself.” Riot reached over and lovingly placed his hand on hers.
    “Lacey and Ryder are right,” Grace said. “Hopefully, if we’re careful, we can get Vanessa out of there. Apparently, Royce and his friends like the youngest girls they can find. He throws parties for his rich and powerful friends on his private island, providing dozens of young girls as entertainment to these pricks - politicians, prosecutors, judges, celebrities, businessmen. He then records them and uses the videos against them when he needs something. A few times, some of the girls have tried to press charges or publicly accuse Randolph, but he either settles out of court for huge sums of money or the girls have

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