Diva 01 _ Diva Runs Out of Thyme, The
flushed despite her flawless makeup. Clearly used to publicity, he put his arm around Natasha and offered a practiced grin for photographs.

    A chestnut-haired man slightly taller than Simon, fit but not brawny, moved with him. At first I thought he might be a friend of Simon’s but he appeared to be scanning the people around Simon. He wore a bored Secret Service agent expression. A bodyguard? If so, he didn’t seem to sense any urgency.

    Natasha was still talking to Simon when he broke away and swung easily into my work space.

    I held out my hand but he ignored it and leaned in to kiss me. If I hadn’t turned my head fast, he’d have planted one right on my lips.

    Up close, tiny laugh crinkles around his eyes made him even more enchanting. Loud enough for everyone to hear, he said, “So good to see you again. Good luck today, Sophie.” And then he lowered his voice. “I have tickets to The Nutcracker at the Kennedy Center for Saturday. My driver, Clyde, will pick you up at seven.”

    Did he just ask me out? His bored shadow gave me a curt nod so I assumed he must be Clyde.

    Simon winked at me and strode away to welcome Wendy.

    She drifted over to me when he moved on. “I can’t believe that just happened. I couldn’t be more excited if he’d asked me for a date. It’s . . . it’s like going out with a movie star, only better.”


    “Are you kidding? Do you know what he’s worth? I’d dump my sweet, fat old Marvin any day for Simon.” She paused, waved, and called out, “Hi, honey!”

    A portly guy sitting in the front row of spectator chairs waved back.

    Maybe she had a point, but the whole thing left a sour taste in my mouth. It wasn’t an invitation, it was . . . a command. As though he assumed I’d love to go with him. Was he so used to women agreeing that he didn’t bother asking?

    Wendy watched me with a dreamy expression. “What I wouldn’t give to have Simon Greer interested in me.”

    Stupid Simon. He was a judge. What had he done? Didn’t he realize the position he put me in by asking me out? He couldn’t wait a few hours until after they announced the winner?

    Natasha rushed over, the color drained from her face. “Did I hear that right?” She reprimanded me like an angry schoolteacher. “I never expected this from you. Sleeping with a judge to win? It can’t be easy for you to continually be an also-ran, but, Sophie, this is practically prostitution. What will your new boyfriend think?” She emitted a small gasping sound like something terrible had occurred to her. “Simon’s your new beau. You’ve rigged the contest!”


    From Natasha Online :

    Don’t let your herbs die with summer. Start new plants in colorful window boxes in August. A sunny kitchen window is the perfect place for your indoor herb garden. They bring gorgeous greens and interesting textures to your kitchen, and your holiday dishes will burst with fresh herb flavor.

    Like winning a stuffing contest was so important that I’d sleep with a judge. The winner would get a one-hour television special on one of Simon’s networks, as well as the cover of one of his trendy magazines. That prize could propel the winner to diva stardom, or at least put her on the right road. But I’d never been the type to sleep my way to success.

    For one brief moment I considered bowing out, but I didn’t want to give Natasha the satisfaction. I’d have to find Simon and set him straight. Holding my chin high to show I had nothing to be ashamed of, I faced Natasha. “If you’re so sure you’re going to win, then why are you concerned about Simon and me?”

    Her lower lip pulled into a bitter line. “It’s not fair to the other contestants.”

    She was right about that. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone. But I’d set things right before the competition started.

    “Sophie! Sophie!” Hannah rushed at us, wearing an uncharacteristically subdued baby-blue turtleneck. Mom and Craig followed close

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