Diva 01 _ Diva Runs Out of Thyme, The
brainstorm of media mogul Simon Greer, a self-confessed stuffing addict. Never one to overlook an opportunity to make money, his TV crew was already set up and filming when we entered the ballroom.

    Each contestant was provided a small workspace equipped with a stovetop and two ovens. The bellman in tow with my boxes, I passed Emma Moosbacher and Wendy Schultz, the other two amateurs. Emma entered Chesapeake Cornbread Stuffing, and Wendy was a serious contender with her Cranberry Mushroom Wild Rice Stuffing.

    The bellman led me to the workspace between Natasha and Wendy.

    Natasha posed in front of her work counter, smiling and signing autographs. Her ebony hair gleamed under the harsh lights, every strand flowing perfectly onto her shoulders. Although she wore a simple robin’s-egg blue shirt tucked into matching trousers, they draped on her like they would on a model. She still maintained the beauty queen figure of her youth. Just seeing her made my own shirt and khakis feel tighter.

    I tipped the bellman and unpacked my boxes, clustering ingredients on my work counter. I couldn’t help noticing that while I’d brought my ingredients in cardboard boxes rescued from the grocery store, Natasha’s items rested on her counter in baskets beautifully decorated with harvest ribbons and turkeys constructed of pine cones.

    “Sophie!” Natasha elegantly picked her way past her fans to give me a hug. “Who’d have thought you would make it to the finals? The two gals from Berrysville all grown up and competing again.”

    Fans clustered behind her, waiting patiently for autographs. Fans who aspired to the perfection she represented and served up to them each day on her show. No one could meet the expectations she created.

    She waved vigorously at someone. “Mars will be here; I hope that won’t be too emotional for you.” She clutched her hands to her chest. “Oh, poor Sophie. The holidays are always so difficult when you’re alone, aren’t they?”

    Two parents, my sister, and her fiancé didn’t qualify as being alone in my book. “I’m not exactly alone.”

    “You have a boyfriend? How wonderful. What a relief to know that love handles don’t deter all men. You’re an inspiration to us all.”

    Was Natasha trying to psyche me out exactly as Nina predicted? I recalled Nina’s advice and tried to serve Natasha a little of her own medicine. “I see you’re making Oyster Stuffing. Mars detests oysters and mussels, you know.”

    For one long second, I thought I had her. But she came back fast. “Not the way I make it.”

    She turned quickly and resumed her pose in front of her counter. I couldn’t help gloating a little bit. Obviously, she didn’t know about Mars’s aversion to oysters.

    Simon Greer ambled toward us, a sly grin on his face. A crowd gathered behind him.

    Wendy, the amateur contender on my other side, ran her fingers through her short, curly hair, and mock whispered, “He’s so gorgeous. Wish he were the prize.”

    Simon wasn’t tall but he cut an imposing figure anyway. Sharply creased khaki trousers and a cashmere hunter-green sweater showed off a well-toned physique. Wavy hair in a controlled tumble only emphasized his boyish charm. No wonder women fawned over him. He had looks and gobs of money. Every step seemed to ooze the confidence of wealth. He prided himself on being a self-made man, though Nina, who kept up with celebrity doings, told me his wealth originated with early cell phone technology deals that had since been made illegal. He parlayed those millions into a national cable network and a magazine publishing empire.

    I’d met him in passing at some of the bigger charity events I’d handled but this was the first time I could ever remember seeing Simon without a tuxedo. And today the women drooling over him were a little older and chubbier than the usual line of gold diggers that trailed him.

    He kissed Natasha on the cheek and thanked her for participating. She

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