Diamond Bay

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Book: Read Diamond Bay for Free Online
Authors: Linda Howard
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
still be a drug runner. You could be risking your
life by protecting him."
    "That's a possibility," Rachel admitted. "But he's
wounded, and I'm not. He doesn't have any chance at all, except what I can give
him. If the DEA has busted up a drug ring there'll be something about it on the
scanner, or in the newspaper. If he's an escaped felon it'll be on the news.
He's not in any condition to hurt anyone, so I'm safe."
    "And if a drug deal has gone
sour, and some other unsavory characters are after him? You wouldn't be safe then, from either him or the others."
    "That's a chance I'll have to take," Rachel said
quietly, her gray eyes level as she met Honey's worried gaze. "I know all
the possibilities, and I know the risks. I may be seeing shadows where there
aren't any, but think how terrible it would be for him if I'm right."
    Honey drew a deep breath and tried again. "It just isn't
likely that a wounded spy would wash up on your beach. Things like that don't
happen to normal people, and you're still within the bounds of normalcy, even
if you are a little eccentric."
    Rachel couldn't believe what she was hearing, from Honey of all
people, who was usually the most logical person in the state. The night's
events were rattling everyone. "It isn't likely that a wounded man would
wash up on my beach period, regardless of his occupation! But he did! He's
here, and he needs help. I've done what I can, but he needs medical attention.
He still has a bullet in his shoulder. Honey, please!"
    If possible, Honey went even whiter. "You want me to
take care of him? He needs a doctor! I'm a veterinarian!"
    "I can't call a doctor! Doctors are required to report all
gunshot wounds to the police. You can do it. No vital organs are involved. It's
his shoulder and his leg, and I think he has a concussion. Please."
    Honey glanced down at the naked man and bit her lip. "How did
you get him up here?"
    "Joe and I pulled him, on this quilt."
    "If he has a severe concussion he may need surgery."
    "I know. I'll handle that if it's necessary. I'll think of
    They were both silent for a few
minutes, looking down at the man who lay so still and
helpless at their feet. "All
right," Honey finally said, her voice soft. "I'll do what I can.
Let's get him up on the bed."
    That was as difficult as getting him up from the beach had been.
Because Honey was larger and stronger, she got him under the shoulders, while
Rachel slid one arm under his hips and the other under his thighs. As Rachel
had noted before, he was a big man, and roped with muscles, which meant that he
weighed more for his size than a less muscular man would have. He was also
deadweight, and they had to be careful of his injuries. "Good God,"
Honey panted. "How did you manage to get him up that slope and into the
house, even with Joe's help?"
    "I had to do it," Rachel said, because that was the only
explanation she had.
    Finally they got him on the bed, and Rachel slumped to the floor,
totally exhausted by the night's efforts. Honey bent over the man, her freckled
face intent as she examined him.

Chapter Three
    It was three
o'clock in
the morning. Honey had left half an hour before,
and Rachel had held her weariness at bay long enough to take another much
needed shower and wash the salt out of her hair. The heat of the day had
finally abated enough that the air was comfortable, but soon it would be
sunrise, and the heat would begin to build once more. She needed to sleep now,
while she could, but her hair was wet. Sighing, she propped herself against the
vanity and turned on the blow-dryer.
    The man was still asleep, or unconscious. He was definitely
concussed, but Honey hadn't thought it was severe, or that he was in a coma;
rather, she'd decided that his continued unconsciousness was due to a
combination of fatigue, loss of blood, shock and the blow to his head. She had taken the bullet out of
his shoulder, stitched and bandaged his wounds and given him a tetanus
injection and an

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