Designed to Love

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Book: Read Designed to Love for Free Online
Authors: Elle Davis
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, SciFi, Young Adult, genetic alteration
documents and Jason recommends
giving her a reprieve from adult themed activities anyway. He has
already volunteered himself to help Cat review Claire's packet, and
the two quickly become engrossed in the forty-page document.
    The first page is an index with every gene
linked to the corresponding species. God bless Bernie and the
scientists for including it. It takes me only a few seconds to
photograph it to memory. I am enhanced with a total of sixty-five
identifiable animal genes and nine synthetic DNA strands or
unknowns, the most enhancements in our group except Claire. Jason
determines that Claire has seventy-three animal genes and eleven
synthetic DNA strands. Elizabeth has the least, followed by Burke.
Naturally, Alisha is the first to make the connection that all of
us have identical strands of the synthetic DNA located in precisely
the same location within the mapping sequence, and mostly linked to
brain tissue. It is an "ah-ha," moment for all of us and we accept
this finding as the most likely explanation for our telepathic and
telekinetic abilities. Furthermore, Alisha, Claire, and I share
three additional synthetic DNA strands that the others don't, a
point that will need to be investigated further. I look around the
table and catch Burke shaking his head in dismay.
    "This shit can't be right. It says I have
sloth DNA."
    Brandon looks over Burke's shoulder and
confirms the finding, roaring with laughter.
    "Let's see what kind of unflattering insects
you're made of," Burke says, snatching Brandon's report from his
    "Hey give it back man. You volunteered the
information-no one asked for it," Brandon hollers in a rare display
of anger.
    "Look, it says here you have a little
hyena," Burke says, releasing a loud, obnoxious cackling sound of a
laughing hyena.
    A struggle over the document ensues until
Alisha finally loses her patience with the two.
    "You two either grow up or get out of here,"
she says sharply.
    "Sorry," Elizabeth says quietly, biting her
lower lip and fighting back tears.
    Sometimes we forget that it was Elizabeth's
dad that created us.
    "Remember, some genes don't have a primary
purpose. They function to support or enhance other genes," Alisha
says in an attempt to appease all of us. "To be honest, I would be
more interested in getting my hands on the records that reveal how
the synthetic DNA strands were assembled. Liz, do you think there
is any chance that those records still exist anywhere?" Alisha
asks, searching Elizabeth's face for any hint that there is a
remote possibility.
    "I've looked everywhere. My dad had a
photographic memory and filed most important data in his brain. I
think he felt that it was safer for us," she pauses and Michael
finishes the sentence for her. "To destroy all evidence, rather
than risk having it fall into the wrong hands," he says, pulling
Liz closer to him in a protective gesture.
    The room falls silent as we consider
Michael's statement.
    "Ahem, well I don't know about anyone else,
but I'm going to hit the sack," Brandon says, excusing himself from
the table, stretching and yawning as he gathers up his documents.
Burke follows shortly after and when I feel Cat's hand on my leg, I
momentarily lose interest in my documents, giving her just enough
time to push them aside indicating that she is ready to call it a
night as well.
    I barely have the bedroom door closed behind
us, before Cat is in my arms kissing me in such a way that I can
only assume that she missed me as much as I missed her. It almost
makes the separation worthwhile, when I feel her impatiently
struggling to remove my shirt, then run her hands over my chest
with the delicacy of a blind person trying to read a message in
Braille. When my hands automatically start to travel down her body,
she gasps, but doesn't immediately pull away like she's done in the
past. Instead, she presses even closer, and I am overwhelmed with
    "Cat, are we even close to being safe?" I

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