Descent Into Darkness

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Book: Read Descent Into Darkness for Free Online
Authors: H. A. Kotys
Tags: Suspense, Erótica, Literature & Fiction, Thrillers, Action & Adventure
at least but, as her brain plugged itself back in, her eyes settled on the imposing building just a handful of blocks away.
    The station and her freedom. She'd not forgotten but her body had defined a different priority and now the trouble it had left her in struck her like a hard slap. As she crouched there, crumpled on her haunches, his voice broke into her becalmed state. “I do so look forward to having you as a plaything.”
    No sooner had his voice burst in on her, it disappeared, pitching her back to the solitude of silence. It was the threat of a future she didn't want and spurred by his gloating, she pushed herself erect with a groan, thigh muscles protesting, to perch afresh on those torturous heels.
    Defiantly, Katarina emerged from the doorway with a renewed focus to get to her goal in time enough to win her freedom. She screamed into the leather panelled gag, venting her frustration, pointlessly challenging him, her invisible yet constant tormentor.
    Three blocks were all that stood between her and her end goal. She could clearly see the elaborately decorated clock above the station’s main entrance ticking remorselessly toward her deadline. There was still time, though it would be close, and Katarina struck out once again, so determined that even if the eyes of the world were watching her she wouldn’t care.
    Try as she might, the sway of her hips could not be prevented, exaggerated as it was by the ever tighter grip of the corset and the unnatural gait the stringent boots forced her to adopt.
    The clock’s hand ticked off another minute. “Better hurry girl, no time to waste now,” his voice taunted. Katarina yearned to look around for him but she knew that she had neither the luxury of time nor the ability to move her head. So she stalked forward, held as she was in a forward gaze by the tough leather of the collar.
    No. Beating the deadline was the only way to win her independence and Katarina redoubled her efforts, quickening her pace as the mercury-filled balls within responded again with their rhythmic pressure. She'd barely come down from the last climax yet could already feel the next building. Stubbornly, she bit down on the latex phallus, mentally ticking off first one block, then two in an increasingly difficult effort to stay focussed on her goal.
    People hurried past, lost in their own journeys home as she was went unnoticed at the edge of the crowds. A shoulder barged her, causing Katarina to briefly sway back on the impossible heels and have to fight to stay upright. Undeterred, she pressed on, close, oh so close, and as she crossed the final road, she glanced up at the clock now clearly showing just two minutes before the scheduled departure time of the train she had to reach.
    She was there. She could do it. She already knew the station and she threaded her way skilfully through the throng toward her ultimate destination with a renewed confidence. She could even see the platforms and as she set off across the vast concourse, she afforded herself a smile of relief behind her gag.
    The constant penetration of her ass by the plug and the sloshing of the mercury were now irrelevant as her mind started to rush with thoughts of freedom. Perhaps even revenge.
    Yes, revenge. Katarina knew exactly who had caused her such discomfort, such humiliation and she was not one to sit idly by and let him repeat such an attack. There wouldn’t be a next girl blinded by his promises of stardom and fortune. Sitting back was for submissive types and, while the occasional release of control thrilled her, in most relationships she'd taken a less passive role, directing the play, preferring to cuff than be cuffed - even though they were usually pink and furry.
    A departures screen told her Platform six as she passed under it. Pressing on, she checked again at another screen. No room for error. She had to be 100% sure and she was. The City Express, departing 5.30pm,

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