Descent Into Darkness

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Book: Read Descent Into Darkness for Free Online
Authors: H. A. Kotys
Tags: Suspense, Erótica, Literature & Fiction, Thrillers, Action & Adventure
invaded her nostrils as unseen to him, her eyes darted around for escape and sanctuary. She’d seen his lips move but could only guess at what he was saying. The earplugs drowned out all noise and she feared what he may do.
    Katarina’s mind raced. She chewed on the latex cock with renewed vigour, releasing yet more of the saline fluids that kicked up memories of relationships past. A thought whispered in the back of her mind that she was being conditioned, but she needed it; it offered a rare comfort in a dangerous world.
    Her lack of answer only seemed to encourage him further and he leaned into her, snaking an arm around her severely nipped waist. In his head he was helping her balance but in hers , invading a taboo. His touch broke the stitching on the sleeve, dislodging part of it from the pocket and causing the some stuffing to spill to the floor.
    He would find out, Katarina was sure of that. She looked at him in alarm, danger was everywhere. He wasn’t the type to help, that was clear and the realisation that under close scrutiny he would see what she wore, what imprisoned her, panicked her as never before. Lifting her leg, she drove it back down just as the green light flashed up, jagging her sharp stiletto hard into the top of his foot.
    Katarina launched herself across the road, desperate to put some distance between them as he crumpled, clawing at the pain that had just exploded in his foot, cursing the silent, aloof bitch he had only been trying to help.
    She had to reach her destination before the youth gathered his senses and came after her again. Spotting the station in the distance Katarina broke into the best run she could.
    The sloshing of liquid within the benwa balls was driving her to a state of erotic distraction while the butt plug reamed its own rhythm. Her metronomic ponytail threatened to displace the hat that had been pressed hard on her head and was matched by the hidden washing to and fro of mercury.
    Already breathing quick and shallow as the corset compressed her lungs, the rare cocktail of adrenalin, the heat of her outfit and the exertion she was putting herself under caused her to pant uncontrollably. The inserts worked her insides, driving her arousal and further fuelling her adrenalin rush. Her world starting to spin with a lack of the oxygen, Katarina staggered sideways, finding herself leaning in a shop doorway as the balled liquid incessantly lapped inside her.
    The deadline, the need to get to that train, to find the wheel, find the key, needed it to settle but the assault inside was too powerful and her body took control. Katarina’s laboured breathing fuelled the liquid’s already steady cadence, and, in turn, that constant panting only made breathing all the harder, creating a virtuous circle that would not be denied.
    She was close now. She could see the station in the distance but she was also so close within herself, so close to the release her body now dearly craved. The torment of the proximity of her goal and the burning needs of her body tore her mind in two. So close now, so close. She had to get on, had to keep going but her body knew better. Her willpower was faltering and as it splintered, she could endure the erotic torture no more, finally conceding defeat. There was nothing left and as Katarina slumped in the dark doorway, she gave in to the shockwaves of exquisite pleasure exploding from deep within.

CHAPTER IV - The Station
    ‘ Fuck! No!’ Katarina's mind screamed as her body caved to its carnal needs. ‘Oh God, yes!’ it added in delight as silken shocks shivered their way down to the very tips of her pointed toes.
    This was one of those moments when a single cigarette would have been bliss and she rested there, wrung out. Her breathing slowly calmed and Katarina began to scratch together the pieces of her sanity, looking around, half expecting to see a crowd. There was none though, and in that, she was relieved

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