Descended (The Red Blindfold Book 3)

Read Descended (The Red Blindfold Book 3) for Free Online

Book: Read Descended (The Red Blindfold Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Rose Devereux
went down the hall to the guest suite. All I heard was
the wind blowing in off the desert. More than an hour had passed
since I’d left her alone.
    I rapped lightly on the
door. No answer. I knocked again and waited. After a minute I tried
the door, hoping she hadn’t locked it. It opened without a sound.
    Though the room was
dark, the garden lights glowed through the windows. I saw the end of
the bed, and on the floor, her rumpled shirt and panties. My stomach
muscles clenched and my cock stiffened. The response was pure
    She had no idea. I
looked like a savior but I was nothing but danger. The kind of man
her mother had warned her about.
    “Hey,” I said
softly. I even sounded like a savior, a nice, regular guy who just
wanted to make sure she was still breathing.
    There was no reply.
“Can I come in?” I asked, and opened the door wider.
    The hall light poured
over the Mexican rug and illuminated the bed. She was stretched out
on the duvet, asleep.
    Naked. And so fucking
    Something twisted like
hot steel in my chest. She was facing me, her long, damp hair fanned
out across a pillow. Her knees were slightly bent, one tucked behind
the other. Between her legs was a narrow strip of pale brown hair,
soft and sweet. One arm covered all but the lower curve of her
breasts. Her hand dangled off the mattress, as if she’d been
reaching for something when she fell asleep.
    Her eyelids trembled
and her fingers twitched as if trying to make a fist. A brief frown
knitted her brows, and her lips parted to draw in a quick breath. She
was dreaming.
    I wanted to leave, but
I was paralyzed.
    Whatever I felt, it was
more than arousal. Of course I was rock-hard for her, but this was
something else. I was edgy and on the verge of losing control. And I
wasn’t okay with it.
    This wasn’t just
another woman, a slutty girl at one of my clubs looking for a quick
fuck. She wasn’t after my money. She knew next to nothing about me.
And she was completely in my hands, without a past or a name. I had a
responsibility to hold it together, and I always held it together.
That was never a problem. Until right now.
    All I had to do was
walk away. It was easy, and so fucking hard.
    Just as I turned to
leave, I heard her stirring. “Who’s there?” she asked in a
thin, frightened voice.
    Back turned, I stopped
in my tracks. “Just me. Drex. I came to check on you.”
    “I’m not dressed.”
    Barely awake and
already she was testy. She was a feisty little thing, no doubt about
it. After what she’d been through, I couldn’t really blame her.
    “I know you’re
not,” I said, “I just –”
    “What do you mean,
you know ?”
    I blew out a sigh. You
picked up a woman who was clearly having issues. Don’t be surprised
that she’s not acting like the perfect guest.
    “I wanted to make
sure you were all right.”
    I heard rustling as she
stood up and started dressing. “You could have knocked.”
    “I did,” I said.
“Three times.”
    “You could have
knocked louder.”
    It wasn’t enough that
I’d saved her from certain disaster. I needed to not worry about
her, and do a much better job of knocking.
    She stepped up next to
me, all attitude and flowing damp hair. If I’d thought my clothes
would help disguise that sinful body, I was mistaken.
    “Next time, please
warn me before you invade my privacy,” she said.
    I frowned at her. “Are
you kidding?”
    “You don’t see me
    It was all I could do
not to drag her back out to my truck. “Listen, lady. You don’t
like my hospitality? Then I won’t subject you to it. I’ll give
you that hundred bucks you asked for – hell, I’ll give you a
thousand – and drop you off where I found you. You can fend for
yourself. Sound fair?”
    She crossed her arms.
    The cotton shirt gapped
where she’d missed a button, revealing a porcelain-white glimpse of
her breast. She had no idea how sexy she was, and that made it even

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