The Dust: Book Two - Pursuit

Read The Dust: Book Two - Pursuit for Free Online

Book: Read The Dust: Book Two - Pursuit for Free Online
Authors: David H Sharp
    Lonny smiled. ‘Yes he is a little highly strung.’
    Iris touched her cheek to see if there was any blood, there was none.
    ‘Please girls can we get back to the truck? I’m a tad uneasy in this wooded area, lots of trees for naked beasts to hide behind.’ Lonny went to put his hand on Iris’s shoulder as they walked by but she shrugged to warn him off.
    The women all clambered back to the relative safety of the old army truck and Lonny and Harry James joined Archie in the cab.
    Lonny turned the key and big diesel engine roared into life. He then leaned over to Archie. ‘Haven’t I taught you anything boy? Sometimes you are about as useful as a cock flavoured lollypop.’
    Harry laughed but he stopped as soon as Lonny stared at him.
    ‘You can knock the women around as much as you want but not on the face. How the fuck am I going to get punters interested if they have bruised all over their pretty little faces? Next time just give them a dig in the ribs, comprendez?’
    Archie nodded slowly knowing he had gone down a rung or two in Lonny’s estimations.
    Harry on the other hand sat back in his seat as the truck started to rumble down the lane. He had seen his mother knocked about by an endless string of nasty ass boyfriends and he didn’t like it. Men who hit women were bullies, simple as.
    For now he would say nothing, it wasn’t the right time. He just continued to look out of the window, they went past an old road sign sat back in the hedge, 3 miles to Tickhill.

Chapter Five
    ‘Grandad, what are you doing?’ Amber peered down from the loft hatch and onto the landing.
    There crouched down on the blood sodden carpet was Cyril Meadows, Elaine Smith and Derek Crayford all naked and all huddled around something that Amber couldn’t see.
    ‘grandad, who are your new friends?’ Again her questions went ignored. Frustrated and thirsty she withdrew back into the loft and looked out of the window. The sun was now slipping down towards Newport and the huge Celtic Manor hotel had become a vast silhouette on the side of the hill.
    Where was Grandma? Amber skulked back to the hatch but again her questions went unanswered, she needed a drink and she was so very hungry.
    What would Daddy do? Amber missed her Daddy, she hadn’t seen him for weeks and weeks and weeks. She wanted a big hug off him, he would fix this, he fixed everything. Her throat was dry and her lips were starting to chap. Amber looked around the loft. There was nothing to drink and nothing to eat.
    Screams then came from down below and she recognised one of the voices as her grandad’s
    ‘What’s wrong grandad?’ Amber leaned over the hatch.
    Down below Elaine Smith and Derek Crayford were fighting each other. Rolling around the carpet like two wild cats they both sunk their teeth into each other and Elaine Smith raked at Derek Crayford’s eyes.
    ‘Stop it, stop it!’ Amber shouted. ‘grandad stop them.’
    Cyril Meadows then turned around and looked up at his granddaughter, bits of flesh fell from his mouth and then he grinned, his teeth all stained blood red. He hissed and spat in Amber’s direction and then gave out a manic cry.
    Amber started to cry. ‘grandad don’t do that.’ She paused as he went back to gnawing on whatever he had found.
    ‘I love you grandad.’ she so wanted to climb down and give him a hug, he wasn’t well. She went back into the loft and looked back out of the window.
    ‘Please come home Grandma.’ She whispered.
    Cyril Meadows tore another piece of flesh from the bone and swallowed it whole. He turned to look at Elaine Smith who was now sat straddled across a dead Derek Crayford, he watched as she shoved her fingers into his eye socket and ripped out his eyeball. She smiled at Cyril and then popped it her mouth and crunched down.
    Cyril looked down at the decapitated head of his dead wife Joyce and copying Elaine Smith he jabbed his fingers into her left eye and scooped out her eye ball. Studying it

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