Demon Accords 8: College Arcane
wants the most powerful witch or
warlock it could find to use it. If it’s in the hands of a more
powerful witch than me, maybe not.”
    Caeco snorted. “Like that’s gonna happen, Mr.
    “Anyway, it’s not likely to appear in
Burlington, but if it does, I’ll call you first,” I said.
    “Okay. I’ll be checking in periodically to
see how this thing is going,” he said, waving at the building
around us. “And you two think you can come up with options for
those things?” he asked, pointing at the collar in Caeco’s
    “I’m certain of that,” I said, which I was.
Between her nanites and my Craft, we’d crack it.
    “Good. I lost my first family because I was
helpless. I almost lost my second family because I couldn’t find a
way to bypass that technology. I will not be helpless
again,” he said through clenched teeth. I think if it had been
darker, his eyes might have actually glowed. Pissed? Whole new
definition of the word pissed.
    He said goodnight and we headed back to our
rooms. The apartment door closed behind us and we entered the
    “We’ll have to work hard to get as good an
offer as possible from Oracle,” Caeco mused.
    “Huh? Earth to Caeco, we don’t want to work
for Oracle. We want to work for the real good guys,
    “Of course, but Chris as much as implied that
Demidova Corp would beat any other offer. We just want to make sure
they have a little competition,” she said matter-of-factly.
    “Wow, you are devious,” I said
    “I was built to be devious, as well as
brilliant, deadly, and attractive,” she said, smirking.
    “And oh, so modest,” I said.
    “Bah, what is this modesty you speak of? It
serves no purpose,” she said, attempting some foreign accent.
    “That was horrible, but almost funny. Be
careful… you might actually develop a sense of humor,” I
    “You decroatded piece of crap. I have all
kinds of humor,” she said, punching my shoulder and then bounding
up four stairs in one leap.
    “ Napoleon Dynamite ? You’re quoting Napoleon Dynamite ? Who are you?” I asked, chasing
after her but falling behind despite my longer legs.

Chapter 5
    We dropped off the collar in Caeco’s room,
which was three rooms down the hall from mine. Aunt Ash and Dr.
Jensen had both raised eyebrows when we discovered how close our
rooms were, but oddly, neither said a word.
    We agreed that she should have first chance
to inspect the collar and see what she could read off it before I
did the same. I had a few ideas, as I’m sure she did.
    “I wonder where the others are?” I asked.
    She locked her door with one hand while the
other pushed her highlighted brown hair away from her ear to
listen. After a second, she pointed further down the long hallway
and we began to walk.
    “We don’t have to hang out with them, you
know? They’re gonna ask a lot of questions,” I said.
    “If I learned anything from my short high
school experience, it’s that making friends is important. Also, a
social hierarchy is already forming as we speak and we need to have
our own place in it, with allies.”
    “Wow, again, who are you and what have you
done with the independent combat operator that I first met?” I
    “Silly warlock, the history of warfare and
conflict has always favored those with allies. This I have known
since my first war game. Plus we promised Chris,” she said,
stopping in front of a door with the names Ashley and Ariel on
    Ashley opened it at my knock. “About time. We
were wondering what was keeping you,” she said, gesturing us into
the room.
    It was immediately clear whose side was
whose. One half was decorated in soft pastels with an inordinate
number of stuffed animals—at least for a college dorm. Posters
depicting polar bears and fair trade expos were artistically
displayed on the bare walls. It seemed

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