Demon Accords 8: College Arcane
openings and demon outbreaks. Not so good at winning the
lottery or anything,” she said shyly.
    “Wait, I’m still stuck on the two of you
beating a trained assassin,” Jetta commented.
    “I thought warlocks were pushovers?”
    Another glance at Caeco, catching her minute
headshake. “That’s the stereotype,” I agreed. “But any witch has
some skills, and Caeco’s kung fu is very strong.”
    Jetta’s head snapped around to Caeco. “You
know kung fu?”
    My deadly girl shrugged and nodded, but I
wanted the focus off me. “—and jiu-jitsu, karate, escrima,
penjat-silat, aikido, muay tai, and wing chun,” I offered, earning
myself a glare from Caeco.
    “No way? Will you teach me?” Jetta asked,
breathless. Both Ariel and Ashley leaned forward, almost
simultaneously saying, “Me too.”
    “I thought you were hunters?” Caeco asked
Jetta and Mack, confused by all the martial arts enthusiasm.
    “We are, but we’ve never had any formal fight
training,” Mack answered.
    “If we have free time, I guess we could do
some classes,” she said, then whipped her head around to me, “but
you’re teaching the Krav Maga portions.”
    To the others, she explained. “Mr. Beanpole
here has been instructing Krav Maga for several years now.”
    “What’s Krav Maga?” Ariel asked.
    “Israeli army self-defense,” Ashley said,
then went on at our questioning expressions, “What? My dad has
studied a lot of martial arts too and shown me some. But I want to
learn more.”
    “We can start tomorrow, after everyone gets
their books and schedules figured out,” Caeco said. “But
understand, I believe Mr. Jenks will be teaching us some skills as
    Amid the excitement, I realized we had
forgotten a topic.
    “So just what do you two hunt?” I asked Jetta
and Mack.
    They exchanged a glance of their own before
Mack turned back to the group.
    “A couple of years ago, our parents went to
the far edge of our property where we had a little cabin, for a
weekend. They would do little getaways like that because our horse
farm kept them fully occupied and we could radio them if there was
a problem. Jetta and I were both old enough to handle the horses
and our uncle was close by if we needed him.
    “They didn’t come back on Monday, so we
called Uncle Pete and we all rode out to the cabin. It was torn to
shreds, they were torn to shreds, and Uncle Pete knew what had done
    “Werewolves?” Arial guessed.
    “Yeah, apparently they have lived in the
Tennessee Mountains for generations and he was aware that a pack
had occasionally traveled through our territory. But they never
bothered humans and never really came near our property before.
This group was different. All the tracks were big, so it was just
the males. We helped him track them down. This pack was fucked up,
like a bad biker gang or something. They were all criminals,
treated their women like shit, and liked to hunt humans. Uncle Pete
said that wasn’t how the other weres he had known of had been. So
we hunted them, one by one. Pete helped us with the first couple
but then he had a heart attack and passed on. So we went on by
ourselves. Wiped out almost the whole pack. Forced them to run
south to North Carolina and join another pack. But the cops and FBI
got involved and then the Alpha of the pack we were hunting caught
us and was going to kill us in front of the new pack at some kind
of dinner party. That brother–sister wolf team that’s here was
there, as well as that boy Matt who was sitting down below us
today. And the pale girl who I think is named Katrina. But anyway,
Chris intervened. Beat the piss out of a fully Changed werewolf
without breaking a sweat. Then the FBI showed up to arrest us, but
the other Alpha, of the North Carolina pack, sent his attorney with
us and there wasn’t any evidence and so we went free. Chris got
shot that same night, but the supermodel

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