Deep Space Endeavor 3 Death Match
positions in space above the planet, a transmission came through to the bridge of the Reclaimer . “Attention Battle Hammers , you are trespassing in sovereign Farannsian space. Please leave our system immediately or it will be considered an act of war.”
    Admiral Dyson smiled as she noticed the carefully chosen words did not say they would fire upon her fleet. She still had no idea why they had turned down the opportunity to enter the Alliance. “Chawanas control, this is Admiral Dyson of the Reclaimer . My fleet is here in an advisory manner. We are simply here to observe and to make sure Garrinoras is forced to honor his word and release Captain Reed.”
    “We can police our own affairs, Admiral, and the fact that you are suggesting otherwise is highly insulting.” The transmission voice responded.
    “I have suggested nothing. I am being paid to be here. It is my employer that thinks Garrinoras will not keep his word and that you will not have the fortitude of character to make him. So you may take it up with my employer. We are not leaving.”
    “Well, your presence is making a lot of people very nervous. Who is your employer? Perhaps we can take it up with him then.”
    “Tell your nervous people to settle down, because as I have already stated we are not leaving. Our employer should be here in the next few hours, his name is Colonel Jesse Marcos.” Admiral Dyson smiled and noticed the smiles of her bridge crew as she said that last line. “We will make no move against Garrinoras’ forces unless the previously agreed upon terms are not met. Reclaimer out.” Admiral Dyson looked out the viewport to see her fleet arranged perfectly. Each ship was where it was supposed to be as she reflected upon her fleet’s military precision another transmission alert sounded.
    “Incoming transmission from Chawanas,” Her communications officer called.
    “Ignore it, please, and all other transmissions from Chawanas until Endeavor arrives.”

    Suzy sat in a chair and watched Jesse sleep. They were having a conversation and he just dozed off. That never happened with him. She was worried about him and wanted to keep an eye on him. She looked around his quarters and the word utilitarian came to mind. He was one of the wealthiest men in two galaxies, but he really didn’t have much stuff. What he did have was always neatly put away. His quarters contained his bed, his desk and wardrobe, which were built into the wall and the chair she was sitting in; that was it. The only decorations of any kind adorning the walls were framed vid stills of his friends and family above his desk. There were only two other elements of decor in his quarters, an antique clock his fiancé had given him and the stunning Dagger of Bar-Akujar that Josiah had given him from the treasure. They both sat caddy cornered almost framing his desk. His MATU and a portable lighting unit hung from the corner of his bed and his portable data unit sat open on his desk. She noticed that he had been reading a theoretical physics book about wormholes or gaps in space and she wondered what that meant.
    She stealthily exited his room not wanting to wake him and went to find Josiah. She was really worried about Jesse and wanted to see if Josiah shared her concerns. She found him talking with Collin, Reece and Kimi in the galley and decided to share her concerns with all of them. “Josiah,” she called out as she entered the room. “Jesse seems to be obsessing about this death match and I’m worried about him. I’ve never seen him obsess about anything before. He is training until he is literally too tired to move. He fell asleep while we were talking in his quarters; he’s never done that before, Jo. Have you noticed anything?”
    “I have noticed, Suzy, you have every right to be worried about Jesse, I think we all are. He’s never faced a situation like this before and remember, he is basically doing this for someone he doesn’t even like.

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