Deep Space Endeavor 3 Death Match
it’s not officially part of the test, it is now. Sergeant Kelly expects us to adapt and overcome, not call for him to come hold our hands because we’ve come across some hunters and villagers on an uninhabited world.” When Jesse had finished speaking, they all knew he was right.
    “So, what’s the plan then?” Josiah asked him.
    “What are you asking him for?” Thomas angrily replied. “He’s not in charge, no one is. What if I had a plan?”
    “Let’s hear it then,” Josiah challenged.
    Thomas put his head down. “That’s not the point; someone else could have had a plan.”
    “I bet Jesse already does.” Josiah replied.
    “Let’s just make it official,” Melendez began. “Everyone who wants Jesse to lead us, raise your hand.” Everyone raised their hand except Thomas, Manny and Jesse. Melendez looked at Jesse and asked, “What, you don’t want to be the leader, Jess.”
    “No, it’s not that. I just didn’t want anyone to think I was trying to make myself leader so I thought I should refrain from voting.”
    “Well, it’s official; you’re the leader, what’s the plan?” Josiah asked.
    “First things first, we need to get some of their weapons, maybe even one of their speeders.”
    “How do you propose we do that?” Manny asked, still not happy that they had chosen a leader on the spot like that. “It could be dangerous, going up against armed men while we have no weapons.”
    “No weapons?” Jesse repeated incredulously. “We’re Special Forces soldiers. We have our minds, our training and our knives. Three of us will infiltrate their camp tomorrow. We wait until the bulk of them are on the hunt and then we go in and see if they’ve left anything useful behind. If they haven’t, we try again tomorrow night. In the meantime, we take shifts watching the camp tonight. Two men each shift, for an hour and a half at a time. There’s a good chance they saw or heard our drop ship and will probably come looking for it at some point. We need to wake up bright and early and start looking for alternate campsites. As soon as they see the ship and the remains of this site, they’ll know they’re not alone. I’d like to have some of their weapons before they find out about us. I’m making Josiah my second-in-command.”
    “Why? Because he’s your pal?” Thomas mocked while Manny shook his head in agreement.
    “No, because I know him best out of everyone here and I know his skills and talents. Having that information will enable me to set multiple plans into motion with someone leading a group that I know what to expect from.”
    “It’s a good plan, guys,” Collin started. “No one’s saying you have to like Jesse or his plan, and when this week is over you probably won’t even be in the same unit, but the vote is in and for now, he’s our leader. We need everyone working together if we’re gonna help those people.” Everyone shook their heads and Thomas and Manny put up their hands as if in surrender. A short while later, the camp was quiet as eight of the men went to sleep while Josiah and Manny took the first watch.
    “First watch and last watch are best,” Manny explained. “Then you don’t have to wake up in the middle and then try and get back to sleep for a little while after you’re already awake.”
    “I agree, it’s a good call. Hey, Manny, what’s your problem with Jesse anyway? I know Thomas wanted to lead, even though no one else wants him to, but you don’t seem to care about leading, so what’s the problem?”
    “I don’t really know to be honest with you.” He hesitated slightly before continuing. “I guess it’s just that Jesse seems to be the golden boy all the time. Course records for the obstacle course. Course records for marksmanship. Commendations for bravery, even those intricate designs he doodles as if he’s ever gonna invent something. I guess I just don’t always want to see him get the top spot.”
    “I can see how that might

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