Dec's Downfall: (A Brothers of Devil's Comfort Book 5) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)

Read Dec's Downfall: (A Brothers of Devil's Comfort Book 5) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) for Free Online

Book: Read Dec's Downfall: (A Brothers of Devil's Comfort Book 5) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) for Free Online
Authors: Brair Lake
I silently apologize to my cock, letting it know it wouldn’t be receiving any action tonight.
    Although I’m planning to seduce my goddess, tonight was not the night for it. Without bothering to straighten from the barrier, I continue to watch Ivy over my shoulder, flickering the used cigar to the ground to grind it out.
    “It is. Come and talk to me Ivy.”
    At first, I thought she was going to deny us both, however, after a slight hesitation; Ivy came and stood next to me. The scent of her shower gel floats up to my nose, which I inhale deeply. Unable to resist any longer, I reach over and place one of her hands between mine, stroking my fingers over hers. The cool touch of her flesh is a balm to my nerves.
    “What would you like to talk about Dec?”
    “Me? There’s not much to say Dec.”
    As I continue to play with Ivy’s fingers, my gaze remains on the yard.
    “I didn’t take you to be coy.”
    The soft tinkling laughter, which Ivy releases, offers me comfort and she still hasn’t made any attempt to pull her hand free.
    “Really Dec, there’s not much to say, I’m the youngest of five children, my parents are married to each other. Which is a rarity where I’m from. And as you know I’ve spent the last few years in Comfort Springs.”
    “Come on Ivy, what about your hates, and dislikes?”
    “I love the rain. I love to jump in puddles and spin in the rain.”
    As Ivy continues to talk, her body begins to relax and as the late evening drifted into early morning, I learnt more about the woman who was standing beside me. How as a child she had broken her leg while chasing her older brother as he teased her. That when it came to fixing a car, one of her other brothers had taught her the basics, and that her mother had made sure all of them could cook when they left home.
    “Ivy it sounds like you had a happy childhood. Why did you leave New Orleans?”
    Ivy turned her face to me. A face, which was glowing as a smile played around her lips. A smile I was fighting not to kiss. As we stared at each other, I wondered if my longing for Ivy was as apparent on my face, as it was in Ivy’s as she ate me with her eyes.
    From the moment we first met, the chemistry was there, and I know I wasn’t the only one fighting it. As much as tonight was killing me, I was enjoying the company of the new Ivy who stood in front of me. The one without her defenses in place.
    “I wanted to see the world. But I didn’t get far, did I Dec?”
    “Sure you did Ivy; you got to see Las Vegas.”
    “Maybe, but one day I’m going to see the mountains of Montana and the snow. I want to see snow and make snow angels.”
    Tonight, with the barriers down, I learnt more about Ivy, than I have from watching her all these years. It was getting late and we had an early start, and as much as I hated to say Goodnight, I would have to wait a few hours more, before I had Ivy’s company, and her body pressed against mine.
    “It’s time to call it a night Ivy. We’ve a long journey ahead of us.”
    “Night Dec.”
    Before she finally turned and headed for bed, Ivy had hesitated, almost as if she was waiting for my next move. With regret, I watched Ivy as she walked away. Instead of returning to the room, I lit another cigar and gaze up at the stars.
    Ma had said, I needed to woo the girl, and I had all day to do just that.
    Chapter 5
    The expectations of my return journey to Comfort Springs differ vastly to the ones I had when I left for Las Vegas. When we left Amarillo just before dawn, the sun was breaking, and the morning had been fresh. Soon the cool breeze of the morning melts away, dispelled by the heat of the day. A heat, which isn’t annoying me.
    As the miles passed, I leant into Dec’s body. The soft, subtle leather rubs against my cheek, inducing me to inhale his scent. At this moment I was unsure where I was heading, what I do know is Dec came

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