Death Knell In The Alps (A Samantha Jamison Mystery)

Read Death Knell In The Alps (A Samantha Jamison Mystery) for Free Online

Book: Read Death Knell In The Alps (A Samantha Jamison Mystery) for Free Online
Authors: Peggy A. Edelheit
    “I had lost Peter, then was hit quite hard…”
    After I explained, Olaf said, “I’ll ski down with you.”
    “But what about Peter?” I said, now upset.

    Chapter 19
    Escorts & Retorts
    “Peter is an accomplished skier,” Olaf reassured me. “Don’t worry, he can take care of himself.”
    “That’s not my point. What if something had happened to me? I’m not worried about him. I’m upset. He should have come back to check on me! It’s going to be dusk soon. Why would he leave me trailing behind like that and not come back to get me?”
    “I did,” said a voice from behind us.
    The wind had picked up, rustling the evergreens, so we hadn’t heard anyone’s approach. Startled, we both turned.
    Peter was standing there, perspiring heavily.
    From exertion or nervousness?
    Had he heard my outburst?
    “It was uphill, but I made it back. Are you okay, Sam?”
    Okay? Okay?
    I was furious and wanted to choke him, and somewhat suspicious. What kind of ski instructor abandons you on an isolated mountainside near dusk? Plus Clay set him up as my instructor. I had a few choice words for him too.
    Olaf cut in. “Hey, remember who showed up first.”
    “Yes, but for what?” accused Peter. “…A ski lesson?”
    “I was testing the waters, that is all,” he said innocently.
    As we walked back out to the front, I said, “We should get back to town before it gets dark, don’t you think? Now, which one of you gentlemen will lead the way?”
    “Let’s show her how we ski backwards,” said Olaf.
    “Then I can’t lose sight of her, right?” Peter cracked.
    “Hey, maybe I should go first,” I said worried about sunset, while snapping my skis on and grabbing my poles.
    They both gave a firm, “No!”
    “And why not?” I asked, frowning.
    Peter shook his head. “It would be safer if I led the way until you are more experienced.”
    “But I thought you were bragging about me at lunch.”
    “Yes, you are good, but I wasn’t bragging.”
    “But Olaf said…” I glanced at Olaf, who shrugged.
    Peter shook his head again, this time at Olaf. “…You!”
    “You can’t blame me for trying. You have her all day.”
    “I have a better idea,” said Peter.
    Olaf stared suspiciously at him. “And what is that?”
    “You start off first, then Samantha. I will ski last. Then I can keep an eye on both of you.”
    I was flattered by Olaf’s attention and felt better about Peter’s concern for my safety.
    “And I thought testosterone was high in the US,” I said.
    “I hear it has something to do with altitude,” said Olaf.
    “Remind me not to go skiing in Colorado or Utah.”
    Olaf glanced at me uncertainly. “…Sarcasm, yes?”
    “Yes, it’s one of her many assets,” laughed Peter
    “And the one thing that’s predictable about me,” I said.
    “Clay did mention that,” added Peter.
    “Did he also mention I prefer not to be told what to do?”
    “He did confide you were sensitive on the subject.”
    I just stood there. “Good. Soooo …?”
    “Would you mind skiing between us?” Peter asked.
    I grinned. “Of course not. I wouldn’t mind at all.”
    Shaking his head, Olaf took off. I was about to follow, but Peter put a hand on my shoulder and I turned. “What?”
    “How about a quick drink at your hotel to talk… alone? ”
    “…Sure.” Then I took off speculating…

    Chapter 20
    The Why Of It & More
    After I dropped off my skis and poles in the ski room, I went straight to the ladies’ restroom off the lobby. I didn’t dare head back to my suite, already knowing I would have to dance around the subject of why I was going back out to meet Peter downstairs. Intrigued, my partners in crime would insist on joining me just to see what I was up to.
    That move had disaster written all over it.
    After washing my face and finger combing my hair, I headed for the bar area. I was planning on a handful of snacks and an Advil chaser as soon as

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