Dead Time Series
hallway and his office door was
ajar. Muffled talking could be heard, and Caden came to a stop. He immediately
reached into his black jacket and pulled his gun. With his back against the
wall, Caden slowly approached his office. The muffled voice sounded like Matt
as Caden inched closer to the door. Why
is Matt in my office? He tightened his grip around the gun handle as a
meet in the usual spot…yeah, we don’t have much time. This is pretty serious,”
the voice said. Caden peeked through the crack of the door and saw Matt sitting
at his desk talking on his cell phone. How in the world did he get in my
office, and why is he in there?  
I’ll see you at 6 a.m. sharp,” Matt said. He hung up his cell phone.
pushed the door open, still holding his gun. Matt made a quick move for his own
gun until he saw that it was Caden. He smiled and let out a nervous laugh.
“What are you doing here?” Matt asked as he got out of Caden’s chair.
    “What am
I doing here? I think the question should be what are you doing here?” Caden
put his gun back into the holster, but he still felt uneasy. Something wasn’t
    Matt sat
down on the windowsill with the moonlight on his back, darkening his face.
“Well, I was staying late to finish some things, when I realized that I had forgotten
papers up here in your office. I figured you had left for the day, but in the
small chance that you hadn’t, I came up to see if I could get the papers.” Matt
nervously chuckled.
    “The door
was unlocked? I don’t ever leave the door unlocked,” Caden said as he sat in
his leather chair.
    “Yeah. I
thought it was rather strange because I know how meticulous you are about
have to ask Sally about it in the morning. She double checks everything before leaving
the building.” Caden scratched his shoulder and then leaned back in his chair.
“So, did you find your papers?” he asked, noticing nothing in Matt’s hands.
    “No, I
didn’t. I’m perplexed about where I left them. I came in and started looking
around, but as clean as you keep your desk, I knew it was a long shot that they
were even here.” Matt scratched his head and looked away. “And then right after
I started looking, I got distracted because my new girlfriend called and talked
my ear off. So I just sat here and enjoyed your comfortable chair, and that’s
when you walked in.”
    Caden bit
his lip, feeling that Matt wasn’t telling him the whole truth. “Want me to take
a look to see if I can find them?”
that’s okay. They would’ve been on the top of your desk, so don’t worry about
it.” Matt stood and paced the room.
I’ll just take a quick look,” Caden said while he started to sift through his
little piles of papers.
    “By the
way, what are you doing here at this time of night?” Matt asked while turning
off his vibrating cell phone.
    A picture
of Bridget sat next to Caden’s computer. Her smile sparkled and her silky brown
hair blew in the wind. Caden sighed and turned his attention back to Matt.
“Bridget and I had a fight about us leaving, which turned into an argument
about marriage. Needless to say, I left and came here because my condo just
didn’t sound inviting.” He revealed a little more information than he normally
would, but it was late and he needed to vent a little.  
I’m telling you. They’re not worth keeping around for very long. They lose
their purpose after about two months,” Matt spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.
didn’t say anything. He sat in his chair staring at Bridget’s picture, thinking
back on his first two months with her. They had so much excitement and passion
in the beginning. The relationship wasn’t bogged down by so much complexity. He
could still remember the first time he met her. She had been taking care of
wounded soldiers in the army hospital. He was there after being shot twice on
the battlefield. It had

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