Dead Time Series
who was folding the blanket. “Thanks for the advice.” The words somewhat
surprised him.  
should just let your fears go,” she said, laying the blanket on the back of the
smooth, dark oak of his door under his fingers reminded him of last night.
“Sally, did you leave my door unlocked last night?”
    “No, sir.
I make sure it’s locked every night.”

    Myree Date 14-3-23.2
soldiers and their horses lined the ground appearing as lumps scattered across
the trampled grass under the moonlight. Their simple weapons of swords,
shields, and archery equipment seemed laughable at best to Tagen, especially when
they were fighting against Azgiel. He wasn’t certain why a batch of humans
would fight him in the first place. To the East, he could see where they had
come from, down a large hill. From where he stood, he could see a small
village. The warriors must’ve been an accumulation of peasants.
    The flesh
on the fallen was still warm, and some of them groaned. Azgiel and his army
couldn’t be far off. Tagen’s master and creator, Triaad, had given him direct
orders to find Azgiel, see what was left of his army, and watch it be destroyed
without being seen. After his tasks were accomplished, Tagen was to report
    Tagen had
watched while Triaad worked long and hard to get to his prestigious status.
Triaad had been Azgiel’s top advisor. All of his power had
been given to him by Azgiel, separating him from the human race . Without
Azgiel knowing, Triaad had refined those powers as well as creating what he
called the Dark Souls, Tagen’s race. And Tagen loved making his master happy.
rewards me well when I do what he asks.
looked across the uneventful battlefield. A soldier, who was dressed in leather
armor, with different colored stitching on the fringes, got to his feet. Part
of the leather on his left arm was melted away along with some of his flesh. He
looked in poor shape. Tagen stared at him for a minute. Humans,
such curious creatures.
    Being in
shadow form, the human couldn’t see him. A horse pulling a wooden cart, with
spears and swords in it caught Tagen’s attention, not necessarily the cart, but
what was beyond it. A light glow could be seen through the trees. Azgiel’s
camp! Only he would be arrogant enough to camp this close to his victorious
    A dog
came to the injured human, its fur matted with blood. The animal looked at
Tagen and began to growl.
    “What is
it, boy?” the warrior asked still on one knee.
chuckled at the planet’s lack of technology. The population still used swords
and spears to protect itself. It wasn’t like his home planet, where the
humans were much further advanced.
    The dog
kept barking, so Tagen showed himself and hissed, scaring the man to the point
he fell back and sent the dog yelping. Wasting no more time, he went back to
shadow form. He moved across the field with skillful speed.His feet ran
over corpses and dying soldiers with ease. Keeping at the same pace, he flew
through the cart as if it weren’t there, as if it were an illusion. He kept his
speed up until he finally heard the gruff tones of demons. Sure enough, it was
Azgiel’s camp. He had to be there somewhere.
demons that looked like mounds, some with horns, sat around campfires. Azgiel
always kept the big ones with him. Some had wings and some didn’t. Being as
quiet as possible, Tagen began to circle the camp to get an idea of how many were
came towards Tagen. He moved to a bush and froze. A dark blue demon with a
massive sword walked past him. He hadn’t been seen, and as the demon
disappeared into the camp, Tagen let out a breath he had been holding. A few
demons had the ability to see dark souls even when they were in shadow form.
Each demon had strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately, Tagen could never sort
out which demons could spot him and

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