Dead by Sunset: Perfect Husband, Perfect Killer?

Read Dead by Sunset: Perfect Husband, Perfect Killer? for Free Online

Book: Read Dead by Sunset: Perfect Husband, Perfect Killer? for Free Online
Authors: Ann Rule
Tags: General, Social Science, True Crime, Murder, Criminology
Like Brad, Lily had a career in banking,
    hut her health was unpredictable.   She needed someone like Watson.
    Sara and Lily were very different types.   While Sara was sweetly
    feminine, Lily's style was subdued.   She chose loose clothing in earth
    tones, pulled her long hair hack in a bun, and wore horn-rimmed
    Even so, men seemed to find her almost bland but perfect features
    spectacularly sensuous.   She had a manner about her that suggested a
    sexuality barely under wraps.   She spoke softly, as Sara did, but Lily
    had hidden promises in her voice.
    Sara was not surprised that Brad had been attracted to Lily, hut now
    he was completely devoted to her.   He had turned her life upside down,
    and she was gloriously happy that summer.   She was so much in love that
    she never felt fatigued, even though she was working such brutal hours
    in the trauma unit.   It seemed as though everything she had longed for
    in life was suddenly within her grasp.
    Sara adored children although she had never been lucky enough to have
    any of her own.   She had found Brad's three young sons delightful from
    the moment he introduced them to her.   Jess, Michael, and Phillip were
    as smart as their father, and well behaved.   Sara and Brad took the
    boys sailing on a week s vacation and it was as if they were already a
    family.   Sara hated to say goodbye to them when they went back to their
    mother.   And she worried about them.   Brad had come to trust Sara so
    much that he gradually revealed more and more about what their mother
    was really like.   He confided that she called the children four letter
    words and screamed at them continually.   The custody of his little boys
    was desperately   important to Brad.   All of his husincss success meant
    nothingþnot if his children were being mistreated.
    That summer Brad and his estranged wife wrangled constantly about the
    boys.   It was the one shadow over Sara's happiness.   She heard Brad
    argue with his wife on the phone, though she never really saw the
    acrimony between them.   She accompanied him sometimes when he went to
    pick up his sons, but she never spoke to his wife.   "I saw her working
    in her yard," Sara recalled.   i"Once, we took the boys back and she
    came running up, holding her arms out for Phillip.   But we never
    Sara worried about what effect all this was having on the boys, but she
    tried to stay out of the arguments.   It wasn't her place to interfere,
    and she was confident that Brad could handle things in the best way for
    his sons.
    Sara continued to pay the rent on her fourteenth-floor apartment in the
    Madison Tower that summer, but she spent so little time there that it
    seemed like an empty space with no human energy.   "I kept my clothes in
    my apartment, but I was basically living in Brad's apartment," she
    His apartment reflected both his taste and his ability to buy the
    He even had a baby grand pianoþalthough he couldn't play.   It was only
    natural that Sara wanted to spend her few off-duty hours with Brad.
    "I was very much in love with him, and I thought he was very much in
    love with me."
    She had no reason to think otherwise.   Brad assured her many times a
    day of his love.   He was always on time to meet her or pick her up, he
    was always where he said he would be, and their time together was
    In a sense, it was as if they were both recouping the years they had
    lost in bad relationships.   Sara knew that Brad had been married four
    times and that he had been disappointed in love just as she had.
    But now, finally, almost serendipitously, they had found each other.
    They were both under forty and they could plan for so many good years
    Except for all the hassle that Brad was having with his wife over the
    custody of Jess, Michael, and Phillip, Sara's and Brad's lives were
    idyllic.   Her practice was well

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