Darkness on the Edge of Town

Read Darkness on the Edge of Town for Free Online

Book: Read Darkness on the Edge of Town for Free Online
Authors: J. Carson Black
Sherlock Holmes in there is right and it was a local.  A neighbor—a friend of the family.  Chuck Lehman. Guy was over there in the role of concerned friend, but there was something…I dunno, avid, about the way he was tuning in.  So I checked him out.  Two DUIs in the past three and a half years; one in Colorado and one here.  Also, he broke into his ex-wife’s house, tore up some of her dainties.  Felony trespass and criminal damage, both DVs.  They pled the felony down.”  
    “How old is he?”
    “Early forties.  I know, I know.  He skews old for this.” He lit a cigarette, even though he knew Laura didn’t like it. 
    Victor turned his head and blew out the smoke, and also held his hand away—his try at meeting her half way.  “It’s a lead.  Don’t worry, we’ll get a match on this creep somewhere, you’ll see.  Jesus.  Dressing her up like it’s her first fucking Communion.” 
    The pianist had finished Rhapsody in Blue.  Even though they were outside, Laura applauded with the rest of the bar patrons, Victor following suit.  The door was open and it was possible the pianist might hear.
    “With Lehman, there are some serious stressors,” Victor said. “Guy’s divorce was finalized a month or so ago, just around the time he got laid off from work.”  He saw the question in her eyes.  “He worked at the mine—well, what’s left of the mining operation out here.”
    “Where’d you hear this?”
    “I asked around.  Danehill was the one popped him for the DUI and the DV. I’ve got the number for his probation officer if you want it.”
    “Sure.  We have to look at everything.” The story depressed Laura.  “How’s Elena doing?”
    “Fine now.  At least she’s not cursing my name anymore.  There was about eight  hours there where she seemed a little pissed off at me.”
    “No kidding.”
    “Come on, it’s not all my fault.” Victor showed her his most irresistable grin, no doubt the one that had snagged Elena into motherhood five times.  “She was the one who wanted another one.” He took a sip of Chivas. “Some women actually want kids. It’s the maternal instinct, something you’d appreciate if you ever grew up, found a nice man, got married—”
    “Hey, I put in my time.”
    He laughed.  “Seven months?  That’s a slap on the wrist.”
    “I got time off for good behavior.”  Laura realized that she’d never told Victor the whole story about her marriage.  Maybe because, logic to the contrary, she still felt embarrassed. 
    “One of these days you’ll find the right guy and you’ll know what I’m talking about.  I got the impression you didn’t agree with Buddy back there, about the guy being a local.”
    Laura sighed.  It didn’t feel local to her, but her gut could be wrong.  “Who knows?  Maybe there’s an Internet connection, like the chief said. In that case, it could be someone from anywhere.  Buddy Holland says the guy wouldn’t know Bisbee, but it’s not that big. It wouldn’t take much to figure this place out.”
    “But why here?”
    Laura shook her head. 
    Why anywhere? 

    * * *

    Victor left for Tucson soon afterwards, wanting to get home to his new baby.  Laura would stay here and go directly to the autopsy in Sierra Vista tomorrow afternoon.  The Copper Queen Hotel was full up, but after calling around, she found a place on the main drag through town. 
    The storm that had been threatening all day finally unleashed its fury during the short drive to the motel. Rain hit the windshield like a firehose, but she managed to spot the neon letters spelling out THE JONQUIL MOTEL.  She got out and ran through the downpour to the office.
    The Jonquil Motel was a white-stuccoed motor court, circa 1930, situated on what was once the main highway through town.  For Laura, it was love at first sight.  In her job as a criminal investigator, she’d spent many nights on the road, and the motels often stuck out in her

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