Dangerously Mine

Read Dangerously Mine for Free Online

Book: Read Dangerously Mine for Free Online
Authors: A.M. Griffin
Tags: Erótica
some bad memories. Damn Tresdonians.
    “You proved to be more trouble than you were worth.” Ship laughed, a deep rumble that filled the room. Apparently he amused himself.
    “That’s not very funny. No one had the right to give me away,” she said, her voice a low whisper.
    Her parents had given her up for adoption when she was two years old. Who gives up a two-year-old? Of course, she didn’t want to be sold and bought by anyone, but at least it proved she was worth something. Free, well, that was just…nothing.
    A soft clinking sound in the distance brought her out of her downward emotional spiral. She grew quiet and strained her ears. The noises trailed off down the hallway before finally dying down completely. Only then did she turn her attention back to the entity. He wasn’t an immediate threat.
    She decided to take her chances and keep asking questions. This was more information than she’d gotten from anyone about anything in the past three years.
    “Can you please tell me where I am? You told me I’m on some type of vessel, but I really want to know where I am.” More importantly, how far away was she from Earth?
    “You are in the Delta System.”
    “Umm…and that is where exactly?”
    “The Delta System is ten light cycles away from the Zaronna System. Both are located in the Torus Galaxy.”
    “Hmm…I need you to be a bit more specific. I need information I can use.”
    “That was information you could use,” Ship said, sounding a bit offended. “We are on our way to the Zaronna System.”
    “Why are we going there?”
    “We are returning home. Your new home. The moon Sonis.”
    She inhaled sharply as the information settled. Her new home. That’s what the entity had said.
    She shook her head violently. “No. That’s not right. My home is on Earth. Can you turn the sh…vessel around and take me back to Earth? Please.” The plea tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop it.
    “Earth. It is the third planet from a sun located in what your species have named the Milky Way Galaxy. Earth was colonized by the Loconuist just over three Earth years ago. Since that time, three-fourths of Earth’s population has been sold into slavery throughout the Holantis Galaxy, Oli Galaxy, Zinarcarin Galaxy, Istenoru Galaxy, Qeiktig—”
    “Stop!” she yelled. Not being able to take any more, she dropped her head into her hands. “Where did you get this information?” she asked in disbelief. He had to be wrong.
    Those bastards sold three-fourths of Earth’s population? No, that couldn’t be true. He was making this up. This had to be a mistake. All those people…
    “When you were brought onboard, Taio had me check your origins. The Loconuist vessel gave me the information available on your kind.”
    All of a sudden, the events from the past three years came crashing down on her. The alien invasion, her capture and being separated from people she had come to call friends.
    Those three thoughts crushed down on her as heavy as a weight.
    “I am sorry for your loss.” The sincerity in the entity’s voice made her believe he somehow understood all she had been through.
    She buried her face in her hands and cried. For the first time, she cried for the loss of her planet, her world, her fellow humans and her best friend. The tears poured down her face and spilled on the floor. Her body shook and rocked with grief, the years of turmoil finally being released.
    She wasn’t sure how long she cried, thankful the entity allowed her to wallow in her pain. Pulling herself together, she wiped her face on the large shirt and squared her shoulders.
    “Did he purchase any others?” She was almost too afraid to ask, but afraid not to.
    “No, you are the only one. He did purchase two other items from local merchants. Do you wish to know what they were?”
    “No. Thank you,” she said halfheartedly. “Will I be the only human on Sonis?”
    Ship paused. “I don’t understand.

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