Dangerously Mine

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Book: Read Dangerously Mine for Free Online
Authors: A.M. Griffin
Tags: Erótica
All the reports I received stated you were from Earth, not from human.”
    “No. Yes. No. I mean, I am from Earth, but we are called humans. As in the human race.”
    “I was not aware that other beings lived on Earth besides Earthlings. Well, not until before the Loconuist colonized Earth.”
    “No, there wasn’t. I mean, are there any other Earthlings besides myself on the planet?”
    Eva was beginning to understand she had to be more specific with her questions, because she was getting the urge to rip a control panel out of the wall just so she could have the sensation of strangling the entity with her bare hands.
    “Sonis is not a planet. It is a moon. And no, you are the only one.”
    A lump formed in her chest. She would live on a moon with aliens. Would they look the same as the men who chased her or the aliens in the crowd on that planet of hell? She shuddered at the thought.
    She pushed the thought from her head. If Ship could find information on her, he could find Ally, right?
    “How would I find a friend who was on that planet with me? Is there a way to find out who she was sold to?”
    “That would be almost impossible. Slave trading is legal on Xenaris. The transaction does not require the name of the person being sold. All transactions are final. There is no return policy. Are you contemplating returning?”
    “No. I wanted to know how to find my friend.” Her heart dropped to her stomach.
    “Good. You are much safer here than you were on Xenaris. You required extensive repair. You required immediate help, even before I was able to find out anything regarding your genetic makeup. You were broken in many places. I hope I programmed the healing tank to put you back correctly.”
    Eva jumped quickly to her feet and inspected herself. As Ship talked, an image of Frankenstein’s monster came to her mind. In her head was the voice of a mad scientist yelling, “It’s alive! It’s alive!”
    “What is the name of the person you are looking for?” Ship asked, oblivious that Eva had her shirt over her head, making sure all her lady parts were in order.
    “Allysan Miller. Hey! Where is my bellybutton?” She dug her finger in her stomach where her bellybutton had once been.
    “What is a bellybutton?”
    “It’s the indention of a hole that I had in the middle of my stomach. It’s from my umbilical cord.” She scratched at the skin in hopes it was still there, hidden underneath.
    “Interesting that you would want a defect back,” Ship pondered.
    She inspected her legs and knees, the childhood scars now erased. She wiggled her toes, all accounted for.
    Oh my God! What if he closed up the “holes”, thinking they were defects? Eva slid her hand between her legs, trying to inconspicuously check herself. Two holes, all in order. She blew out a breath.
    “Taio is becoming very upset that I won’t tell him where you are hiding,” Ship finally said.
    She put her shirt back down and looked up. “Is he still looking for me?”
    “Yes. Taio, Rasha, Jor’Dan and Ankon were pursuing you when you fled the healing bay. Why did you run?”
    “I had to get away. They were fighting over who was going to rape me first.”
    “I assure you that was not the case.”
    “Oh.” Honestly, she had forgotten about them for just a moment at least. “Has he been looking for me this entire time?”
    “Why haven’t you said anything to them? I mean, about where I am?”
    “I thought you needed some time to calm down before you encountered them again. I told him you were frightened. I would guess they are all considerably larger than any of the males that would be found on your home planet,” he explained.
    “Yes, well, they were kinda big. Giant, actually.” So far, the three males she came into contact with on the vessel had to be seven and a half feet tall or taller.
    “Do you want him to come here to collect you?” Ship asked. Before she could reply, he added, “No, you most definitely would

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