Dangerously In Love

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Book: Read Dangerously In Love for Free Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
    We walked out the front door
and the sight of her truck almost made me see red.
    "I'm getting you a new car and you're
getting rid of this piece of shit."
    "But I like my truck, it has
character." She tried to be cute.
    "Yeah? Well I'm well aware that that fucking
mutt and his old man used to own it and they're the ones who fixed it up for
you. There's no fucking way you're riding around in something that he had a
part in ever again."
    "What will I tell my
    "You're seventeen, you have a boyfriend, a
boyfriend who has money. We've been together for more than a year. He'll get
over it."
    She didn't look too sure but I wasn't backing
down, those days were done.
    "I can break it to him if you want."
Just like I could tell him that in this state at the age of seventeen I could
move her the fuck out of his house into mine and I would if he fucked with me.
    No way was I asking his
permission on the car thing though. I'm well aware her father is team Timmy.
Him and the mutt's father were tight, they probably had dreams of their
offspring getting together and giving them grand babies. Fuck if I was ever
gonna let that shit happen.
    The only babies my baby was
ever gonna have would come from me. I'd put my life on that. I won't disrespect
the sheriff, but he wasn't standing in my way again. I lived with his cold
shoulder and snide remarks bullshit to make things easy on my girl but all that
shit was dead.
    He could accept me or not,
his choice, but I'm gonna let him know I'm here to stay. No more of his passive
aggressive fuckery. I'm gonna start calling him on all his shit from now on.
There's no give left in me. My father always said 'begin as you mean to go on'.
Well I'm taking his advice.
    "I'm parked around the corner, let's
    We walked to my car and I drove her to my
    It was Xmas after all couldn't have my girl
spending the day alone. I'm not that fucking heartless.

Chapter 11


    When we reached my house mom
was the only one up in the kitchen starting preparations for the Xmas spread
she made every year.
    "Everything went okay
last night? " I kissed her in thanks for the favor she'd done me.
    "Perfectly fine son,
merry Xmas Victoria-Lynn." She kissed her cheeks.
    "We'll be right
back." I took her hand and led her up to my room. When I opened the door
there was a soft whining coming from the corner of the room. Of course she
zeroed in on that shit.
    "Is that?"
    "Merry Xmas baby."
She squealed and barely spared me a hug before running to her gift.
    I'd gotten her a Pomeranian.
I knew how much she'd always wanted one, I didn't see the fascination but what
the hell do I know. It looked like a rat with hair to me but she squealed and
carried on like I'd given her some extravagant gift.
    "Roman are those...tell
me these are crystals or zircons."
    "Are you insane, you
can't put diamonds on a dog, good Lord."
    I just shrugged at her, what
the hell, the research said that's what the 'It 'people did, so that's what the
fuck I did. I 'd gotten the idea from one of her girlie magazines that she'd left
lying around here months ago.
    I know she was saying that
shit but she was secretly thrilled with the pink diamonds. Besides they weren't
that big, who the fuck cared?
    "Do you like it or not?"
    "I love it thank you, how did you
    "Vicki you've only been dropping hints
about this shit for the last half a year."
    "I didn't think you noticed."
    "What kinda guy would I
be if I didn't notice when my girl was dropping hints all over the place? Put
it here." She kissed my lips as I picked her up dog and all, the little
shit yipped at me.
    "Watch it fur ball before I take you to
the pound."
    "Roman, don't tell her that you'll scare
her." I rolled my eyes. I'd forgotten my girl's quirkiness.
    "Sweet cheeks she's a dog I'm not sure she
understands what I'm saying."
    "Well just in case." She mimed
locking her lips.
    I kissed her again and put her back down.
    "I'm going downstairs,
you coming?"
    "Can I

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