Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1)

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Book: Read Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Amey Coleman
out my diploma and showed him my achievement. I noticed him hooked up to more machines than he was in the hospital. I said, “Graduation was fine, what is wrong?” I asked pointing at the machines.
                  He coughed heavily while wheezing, and answered, “Just promise me something.”
                  I leaned in closer and said, “Yes, anything.”
                  “Read the book. Find my map. It will take you the safest route to arrive at Cumberland, no matter what happens to me,” he coughed more.
                  “What are you saying?” I asked quietly.
                  “You know exactly what I am saying,” he explained while staring me in the eyes.
                  I didn’t want to leave him, not this sick. He is my world. I looked at Olivia, but the sadness caught my eyes and reflected onto hers. She turned away to cover the red in her face. He put his hand on mine as my hand rested on his chest.
                  “I don’t want you to die,” I pleaded.
                  “Death is just a new start,” he said with a smile.
                  He began to whisper, and Olivia turned to walk closer to us, “ Milly, there is something you need to know. ”
                  I matched his octave, “ What is it? ”
                  He began to cough violently, and his heart monitor started to signal distress. The nurses rushed in and demanded we go. I yelled out, “Grandpa!” while still holding his hand. He told the nurses to wait one minute. They listened.
                  “ Milly, your parents are not dead. They never died. They are in Cumberland. ”
                  His hand slipped from mine as his monitor flat lined. I whispered, “ I love you. ”
                  The nurses covered him, from head to toe, with a white sheet. The nurses looked at me and said, “I am sorry for your loss, but you must go now.” I nodded in agreement.
                  I made it outside, even though my sight became blurred with tears. I paced back and forth at the front entrance, and folded my arms across my chest. The sun shown bright on my skin, but mind became gloomy with dark clouds. I could feel my face tighten in disparity.
                  I felt a hand grab my shoulder.  Out of instinct, I grabbed the arm and threw the person without realizing who it was. Then, all of a sudden, I saw Olivia fly up and then she landed in a crouching position. “Oh my gosh! I am sorry, I didn’t know it was you,” I immediately apologized.
                  “It is fine, it’s a good thing we were both trained for such activities,” she laughed.
                  Despite her whimsical laughter, that would normally make me smile, my eyes became heavy with the warmth of sobbing Waterfalls. Olivia was quick to comfort me, “Milly, everything will be fine. We need to honor your grandpa’s wish. If he is telling the truth about your parents, we need to save them now. I will be by your side no matter what.”
                  I hugged her tighter, and told her, “Thank you.”
                  “But, we need to find the map first. Do you have any idea where it might be?” Olivia asked.
                  “I think it might be in my fathers’ storage shed. He gave me the key to hold onto. Carolyn didn’t have a clue about it.”
                  “Maybe there is a reason for that,” she stated.
                  I lifted the key up, which was placed on my key chain and grinned, “Well, there is only one way to find out.”
                  “See that cheered you up,” she grinned back.
                  “Anything to help my dear old grandpa makes me happy.”
                  The storage shed was number thirty-four. The numbers

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