Leoht (BloodRunes: Book 3)

Read Leoht (BloodRunes: Book 3) for Free Online

Book: Read Leoht (BloodRunes: Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Laura R Cole
Tags: Fantasy, Magic, dragon, Runes, mage, spells, sword
negative impact, she felt ever more
increasingly strong urges to remedy the situation. Not to mention
it could be her only means to find out about her past…
    With Layna now awake, Katya could finally ask
her if she had any clues as to Katya’s heritage. When the girl had
not recognized her right away, however, it had given her a glimmer
of doubt and she held back. Combined with the words of the Oracle,
which had implied that she wouldn’t get her answer until she saved
the world and in the meantime would cause the suffering of any who
happened to get close to her…
    At Layna’s words that the Three were really
simply beings that were far more powerful than humans and not
really gods at all - which Katya didn’t have that hard of a time
grasping as she was never one for religion - she had immediately
begun to wonder if the Oracle’s words held any meaning at all. She
had the fleeting hope that her prediction had been nothing more
than the musings of a woman sitting by the water. But Layna’s
answer to her unspoken question dashed those hopes. She really did
need to follow this through to completion before she could find out
who she was.
    Great, I just have to save the world .
At least she was caught up with people who seemed hell-bent on
doing so and appeared to believe there was a real need. It could
be worse …She refrained from thinking about the second part of
the Oracle’s prediction.
    She still carried the box from Layna’s father
with her, despite Gryffon’s urgings that she give it and her news
to the girl. She hadn’t been quite ready to have her fears
confirmed that Layna would know nothing more about her, but she
couldn’t keep procrastinating forever.
    She sighed and caught up with the other
    “Cliodhna says that in order to unlock the
secrets of the sword, we need to find out who made it. I get the
feeling that there’s something they’re not telling me about it, and
that they are uncomfortable because they feel they should know how
it works and don’t. Like there’s someone or something else here
that’s also interfering. It’s hard to tell what they really don’t
know and what they’re just not telling us because of their ‘no
interference’ policy.” Layna picked a burr out of the mane of the
horse that she was riding. They had been traveling for some time by
foot and had jumped at the chance to buy horses as soon as they had
passed through a town that had them.
    “Great, just what we need,” Katya said.
    “But at least this one is interfering to get
rid of the Bloodstone,” Gryffon put in.
    “Or at least stop other people from using
it.” Layna pointed out. “But who knows what would happen if they
got their hands on it…” Layna couldn’t quite tell what the emotions
were of the Three in her head. It sounded as though they wanted to
find this unknown entity for help, but were also wary of it. After
a moment of contemplation, she asked Gryffon, “Is there somewhere
that you keep all your information about history, like in Gelendan
where we have the historians’ archives just outside of Naoham?” She
moved Leoht into a more comfortable position on her thigh. They had
decided that since the Three had given it to her and she would have
to be the one to eventually use it, that she was the most qualified
to wear it.
    Except that she knew she was really the least
qualified. She had seen Gryffon practicing his swordsmanship and
even if he hadn’t normally worn a sword around, she had seen them
strapped on during ceremonial purposes and he looked very
comfortable with it. And Katya…she wasn’t sure why she got the
feeling, but Layna was sure that this woman was no wallflower lady.
The way she moved was very deliberate, each move calculated and
planned like she was ready for anything. The fluid motion reminded
Layna very much of a snake.
    - You may not have experience,
but you have the talent and the will to use it ,- Kai’s deep
rumbling baritone sounded in her

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