
Read Conflicted for Free Online

Book: Read Conflicted for Free Online
Authors: Sophie Monroe
Granny Jean was the epitome of that statement. She was short and slender with a white puff of hair. Her face wasn’t overly wrinkled and she had on clothes that a much younger woman would wear. If it weren’t for the full head of white hair, she could easily pass for being in her late fifties.
    Piper and Blake walked back into the room with a freshly changed Waverly and proudly showed her off to Granny Jean. Caroline was busy futzing around with Ella , and Tim was playing with Violet and Jameson.
    “I think she looks like the milkman’s baby, or maybe the UPS guy. You know - what’s his name? Jimmy. Yeah, Jimmy,” Granny Jean teased. There was no denying even at birth that Waverly was undeniably a Potter.
    My mom and dad showed up a little while later. As soon as they walked in the door, she burst into happy tears and ran into the kitchen to wash her hands. Before they were even completely dry, she had Waverly in her arms, beaming proudly. Even my dad surprised me by looking so awestruck. I felt like a complete outsider. Normally I wouldn’t mind being the odd man out, but today it was wearing on me. I didn’t want this. I definitely wasn’t ready for it, but seeing them all so in love made me jealous.
    Blake broke out the camera and walked around taking pictures. Derek was the last to show up, which didn’t surprise me. He looked as out of place as I felt. I mean, sure I was happy for all of them, but I didn’t feel like I belonged here. Looking like he hadn’t slept in days, he offered me a weak smile. It was pulling at my heartstrings seeing him looking so miserable. I was really hoping to get him alone before the night was over and maybe getting him to open up to me. It wasn’t going to be easy, but it wasn’t completely impossible.
    Whatever he was harboring , he needed to talk about it.
    When the caterers arrived, they immediately started carting in trays of food. Jake acted like a hunter after prey as soon as he got a whiff of food in the house. Blake wasn’t much better, but Derek hung out in the shadows. I directed the caterers into the dining room to set up so it would be easy for everyone to get what they wanted and move back to the living room or wherever they were eating. As soon as they uncovered the trays, I realized that I was starving too. There was filet mignon, roasted red potatoes, asparagus, and dinner rolls. I made sure to order my favorite, chocolate crème brûlée, for dessert.
    My mom insisted on holding Waverly so Piper could eat and keep her energy up. Everyone made a line and fixed their plates, scattering throughout the expansive downstairs. Derek sat alone at the kitchen table, so after I fixed my plate, that was the obvious place for me to sit. Slowly making my way over, I pulled the chair out and put my napkin in my lap. Derek nodded when I sat down, instead of saying hello. 
    Taking a sip of my Diet Coke, I returned the gesture. I couldn’t stop checking him out and it was going to get my ass busted. I really wanted to talk to him, but I couldn’t stop gawking. Even tired and disheveled, he looked sexy as fuck.
    He kicked my foot under the table and I quickly glanced away, but it was already too late. Blake had noticed me eye fucking Derek. Shit, shit, shit!
    “Can I have a word with the two of you?” Blake asked, sounding annoyed. I stood and followed him into his office off the kitchen. Derek came in and stood a safe distance away.
    “What the fuck is going on between the two of you? Did something happen that I need to know about?”
    “Nothing happened. I swear,” Derek said, holding his hands up defensively.
    “What if it did? I’m twenty, Blake. Quit treating me like a fucking child! I’m not your kid anyway!” I spat.
    He flinched. “Joss, it’s my job to look out for you.”
    “No, that’s Mom and Dad’s job, but even their input doesn’t matter anymore. I’m old enough to live on my own. I can make my own decisions. If I want to spend time with Derek,

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