
Read Conflicted for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Conflicted for Free Online
Authors: Sophie Monroe
for the second time, we were on our way. He wouldn’t talk to me during the entire ride, which I expected. Frankly, I’m surprised he even let me in the car, not that I gave him the option of saying no.

    Pulling up to the monstrous house, Derek drove around the side to the miniature version of Jake and Aubrey’s and turned the car off. I could sense he was uncomfortable, so I decided that, since it was just the two of us, I would back off a little. I thanked him for letting me come back with him.
    He showed me to my room, which coincidently used to be Blake’s. I unpacked and took a nice long shower. After dressing in a pair of baggy flannel pajama pants and a white tank-top, I made my way down to the kitchen to eat my dessert. Derek was sitting on the couch playing Xbox and looking like an overgrown teenaged boy. Grabbing two spoons from the drawer, I took a seat next to him, balancing a dessert on his knee.
    He looked over at me with a small smile playing on his lips and I hoped I was forgiven. Leaning back, I put my feet on his lap, taking small bites of my chocolate confectionary masterpiece. It was rich deliciousness that melted in my mouth. I spent the next couple hours watching him play his game in total distraction. I could sense that he was obviously still feeling uncomfortable. I almost felt a little guilty for forcing myself on him, but it was the only alternative.
    Letting out a deep sigh of frustration, I placed the now empty dish on the table. Derek paused his game and looked at me; there was an emotion in his eyes that I couldn’t quite place just yet. My heart was beating a fierce rhythm behind my ribcage in anticipation.
    “So,” he started to say, placing the controller down , covering his package. “How’s everything been? How’s school?”
    We’d known each other for the better part of our lives, yet neither of us knew what to say to break the uncomfortable silence between us. It made me sad that we’d grown so far apart.
    “School ’s good. Phoenix is the same, hot and dry. It’s changed a bit since the last time you were there. Did Blake tell you I was interning at a design firm last semester? I liked it, but I’m not sure that’s what I want to do with my life. I don’t know why they expect us to know exactly what we want to do right out of high school. Don’t tell Blake I said that, though; he’s already helped foot the bill for college quite a bit. I plan on finishing up my last year before going out into the real world to see what I want to do with my life.” I hated that I had a tendency to ramble on when I felt uncomfortable.
    “You know me better than that. I’d never say anything. Come on, how much shit do you know about me that no one else does? I know what you mean , though. I get worried sometimes about the whole music thing. We’re at the point now where we have a decent following and can afford to pay our bills, but at the same time, it’s not something that you can do forever. I don’t know what I would fall back on when that happens. I’m not passionate about anything else like I am with music.” The pain in his statement was evident. It’s almost like being a sculptor and not being able to use your hands.
    “It will all work out one way or another. I have faith. You guys started at rock bottom and worked yourself up to the top all on your own. That’s something to be proud of, Derek. After everything you guys have been through in the past ten years , you’re still friends, and you’re still making music. How many kids have come up to you and told you that one of your songs changed their life? Think about that when you start to doubt yourself.”
    “I guess I never really put it into that perspective.”
    “I don’t know why we let things go the way they did, but can we at least try and be friends again? I know you’re going through something and I know you’ll let me in on it eventually. Or I can always just

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