Code of Disjointed Letters: ( Doomsday Will Arise From the Past
I moved to leave for the lounge when a large file on the desk caught my attention. This wasn’t here before I went to sleep, I thought. I picked up the file. There were tabs in the upper left corner and my name was written on the cover.
    Following the official welcome and an explanation of the general rules of the competition, we were given the theme of the first week and a document that explained the challenge in depth. In an area the size of a football field, a labyrinth had been constructed, the walls of which were approximately three meters in height. After drawing lots to determine the order, we would take turns racing against the clock to find the exit.
    Meanwhile, an electronic sensor would be placed on each of us that would alert us if we passed the same spot. If we passed it more than twice, it would end the contest. When that happened, our distance to the exit would be recorded as our score, and those of us closer to the exit would avoid being eliminated. The one who was farthest away from the exit, however, would be eliminated immediately. As for those who were able to reach the exit, their rankings would be determined by their speed. The staff didn’t forget to remind us that each week’s winner would receive extra bonuses and gifts.
    With the flyer in hand, I went to the lounge. Everyone was sitting in armchairs around the table and chatting. They seemed to have gotten over the tension of the previous night. After getting a glass of cold water from the fountain, I sat beside them. I soon realized that we had all gotten the same file.
    “A labyrinth! Wow—what a well-thought-out challenge!” said Ender, the indigo boy.
    “It surprised me as well,” Feryal replied. “If they hadn’t proposed a large donation to the university, I wouldn’t have thought about participating, but now even I’m fascinated.”
    “I hope next week they don’t expect us to have gladiator fights,” Gizem the astrologer added.
    “I expected the competition to only test our ability to use knowledge through thought experiments,” Feryal continued.
    “This competition requires no skills. How can you call exiting a labyrinth a test?” Fatin grumbled. “I think it is only demonstrating the clichés and problems with such programs.”
    “It would be more accurate to put it this way,” Feryal corrected. “During our lives, we acquire a great deal of knowledge. We forget most, and there is a lot we don’t use, but through it all, we gather experience and retain some information. We take advantage of this knowledge and experience to solve the problems we encounter in life. If we encounter a problem that we are unable to solve at first, we learn by solving it and try to improve ourselves in that way. In the labyrinth, we each will be alone with the knowledge and experience we have collected up until now.”
    “What is your point?” Fatin asked, rolling his eyes.
    “Everyone here has learned different things during different stages of life,” she continued. “The knowledge we have gained and the extent to which we have improved ourselves can only be determined by facing tests. With such challenges we will learn who has acquired only empty knowledge and who has the tools to solve real problems? This is about you and your intelligence against everything else,” Feryal explained.
    Hıdır Zaman, the cleric, took exception to Feryal’s argument. “I think you’re exaggerating,” he said. “They can’t be that clever. Still, the cameras are rolling, and the viewers have probably heard what you just said. If the competition didn’t have a stated purpose before, now the organizers can use your explanation as its purpose.”
    Fatin grinned with a hateful smile. “Is the purpose that important?” he asked. “One of you will be eliminated this week, and I’ll be rewarded. In the following weeks, you’ll all be eliminated one by one in front of my eyes. So, enjoy this while you can.”
    Every program had a bad guy, and

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