Asking For Trouble
    Beau nodded, and forced a smile, then
grabbed her hand and all but dragged her to the dock.
    Manu pulled the boat along the dock and got
out then tied it to a post and waited for them to make their way to
the boat. He smiled brightly and asked, looking sincerely
interested, "Did you have a good time?"
    "Yes, we had a great time...thanks Manu,"
Beau told him offhandedly, in a tone that contradicted his words,
as he helped Jazzie step into the boat.
    "Someone named Jess Sparks was looking for
you Miss Ramos...she said she had an important message. I told her
I'd let you know when I came to pick you up."
    Jazzie wondered how Jess knew where she
was...she hadn't told her best friend where she was going when she
left the bandstand. She looked over at Beau, who had been brooding
and distracted, since after they made love. "Did you tell Jess
where we were going?" she asked curiously.
    "I told her I rented a motu to surprise you
with dinner, yeah," he said then looked out over the water, as Manu
pushed away from the dock. Jazzie was sitting across from Beau in
the boat for the trip back, because he hadn't pulled her into his
lap like he had when they were headed to the island. Something was
wrong with him, that was for sure. He wouldn't even look at her. It
was obvious that he was having regrets...with his attitude now, she
was having some of her own.
    Jazzie gnawed her lip to stop its trembling
as a thought flitted through her mind and horrified her. Maybe
she'd disappointed him, and he'd been bored with their lovemaking.
It seemed like he would have cut her some slack though, because he
knew she didn't know what she was doing.
    She pushed those thoughts aside, because at
this point it really didn't matter, she wasn't ever letting him
touch her again. Instead, she focused on why Jess might be looking
for her. "I hope everything is alright with Jess..." she said
quietly, and twisted her fingers in the wrap around her hips.
    For her best friend to track her down, it
had to be important. Usually, Jess was so tied up in Wade, and the
baby, she barely noticed when Jazzie came and went. Their
relationship had changed so much recently, Jazzie felt a little
bereft. For so long, they'd only had each other to depend on, and
had been as close as sisters. Now, they were redefining their
relationship. Jess didn't need her like she used to, taking care of
her was Wade's job now. She missed helping Jess and spending girl
time with her best friend.
    "She only came to my station thirty minutes
ago," Manu said and glanced at her, smiling kindly, his eyes
sympathetic. It seemed he felt the tension too. "So she might still
be waiting there when we get back."
    "I hope she's still there," Jazzie said and
crossed her arms under her breasts, then looked out over the
gorgeous moonlit aqua water that had lost some of its enchantment
for her. The whole night that had started with so much promise, had
quickly dulled for her. A chill skittered along her spine and she
shivered as the hair on her arms stood up.
    Beau evidently noticed, because he asked
shortly, "You cold?" then reached into the duffle and pulled out
his white shirt and held it out to her.
    She looked at the shirt dangling from his
hand, then up into his troubled green eyes and shook her head, then
wrapped her arms tighter around herself, as she fought back the
tears that burned her eyes. This was definitely not the same man
she'd left the dock with earlier. Something had changed
drastically, because the charming, loving guy she'd been with
earlier had left the building. Jazzie didn't like this new
    The air between them was tense and
uncomfortable, and she really was cold, so she untied her mesh wrap
from around her hips, then put it around her shoulders and tied it.
Her new pearl bracelet snagged in it and she cursed, then carefully
tried to untangle it, but the dainty clasp broke and pearls
scattered along the

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