Club Miami (Club Secrets USA Book 2)

Read Club Miami (Club Secrets USA Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Club Miami (Club Secrets USA Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Layla Wilcox
You know that."
    "Yeah, but can you study around them?"
    "Well, that won't be an issue for a while anyway. It will be at least a year before I get into the UM med program."
    "There's too many variables. What if you don't get into UM? And, I'd like to bring you into my kids' lives slowly. I know they'll love having you around, but they're not used to sharing me. It will be an adjustment."
    David felt sick. He never thought Andrea would reject him.  
    "I get it. I was fun for a while, right? But, you don't want to commit to me because I'll cramp your precious lifestyle."
    Andrea's eyes widened at his words. "David, that's not true at all. I want to be with you. You've brought me such joy these past few days. I'd be crazy to want anyone else. Baby, I just want what's best for you."
    "And who better to decide that than me? And, I'm trying to do what's best for us."
    David couldn't stay another minute. He needed time to think.  
    "Listen, I'm going out for a while."  
    He stomped out to the front door and was about to slam out of Andrea's house, when a sickening thought came to him. He raced back to Andrea's room.  
    She was on the bed. She looked miserable and sat hugging a throw pillow.
    "Andrea, you've been with my father, haven't you?"
    She stared at him. and a tear rolled down her cheek. She nodded.
    "And my mother?"
    She took a deep breath. "Yes," she said in a small voice. "David, please, let me—"
    "Oh, God." David turned on his heel and ran to his car.


    The parking lot at Club Miami was empty. In daylight, the building looked sordid and cheap. David parked near the entrance and went inside to meet Dirk.  
    The interior of the club also had an entirely different look. Last night the place was vibrant and radiated excitement. Without the lights, music, and clientele, the club was like Cinderella after midnight.
    A lone server was behind the bar setting up for evening. He looked up suspiciously when the front door opened, so David spoke first.  
    "Hey, man. Dirk's expecting me. Could you point me in the direction of his office?"
    "Are you David?"
    David nodded, and the bartender pointed to a hallway. "Down that way. Second door on the left."
    "Thanks, man." David increased his pace in an attempt to get away from the stench of stale liquor.
    The server must have alerted Dirk of David's arrival, because door opened before David could turn the knob.  
    "Come in, David." Dirk shook his hand. "I'm doing payroll, so I don't have much time to talk. What's so important that you needed to see me right away? You didn't get another visit from Danny, did you?"
    David shook his head. "Nah. Something worse. I'm going say this straight out. I want to stay here and be with Andrea, so I'm willing to put off the start of med school and apply to UM instead."
    Dirk leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin. "Let me guess. Your parents didn't see it quite the same way."
    "No, and they won't support me if I don't leave for New York, but that's not the reason I'm here."
    "What is?"
    "Andrea sided with my parents. At first I didn't get it. Last night she seemed pretty happy with having me around. But then all of a sudden, I realized her relationship with my parents must be something a bit deeper than neighborly."
    Dirk shifted in his seat, but didn't say anything.
    David leaned in. "I know she's done a thing with my parents. It wasn't hard to figure out, given what I've seen goes on around here."
    Dirk nodded. "So what do you want from me, David?"
    "I want a job here, working in one of your clubs."
    Dirk's eyes widened. "Now that's an unexpected request. Tell me what you think that would accomplish for you."
    "I could learn about the lifestyle that the people most important in my life are so into. My parents hid this from me, and probably wouldn't have ever told me if I hadn't found an open screen on the computer in my room with their website and pics of members. Then they fessed up, and my dad even encouraged me to

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