Chronicles of Eden - Act III

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Book: Read Chronicles of Eden - Act III for Free Online
Authors: Alexander Gordon
is a monster, let alone two.”
    “But, Falla, something happened to her,” Luna said looking over the child’s dress, seeing the blood marks all over the clothing. The girl herself didn’t seem to have any cuts or wounds though, so it was hard to say if the blood was hers or not.
    “All the more reason for us not to be seen with her,” Falla warned. “Luna, you know as well as I do that children are not to be messed around with, humans get very protective of their young, and that’s all the more reason for them to kill us for even being around this child.”
    “But we can’t leave her alone like this, she’s not safe here,” Luna pleaded while looking to her sister with worried eyes.
    “Luna, we’re not safe with her!” Falla cried out. “Again, she’s a child ! Only the most horrible and depraved monsters mess with children, and if we’re seen with her then guess what, we’re number one on the humans’ hit list! Leave her here and let’s get going, if her family finds us then they’ll hunt us down like animals!”
    Luna looked at her worriedly then to the child. Before she could speak the girl started to groan weakly and shift slightly in the butterfly monster’s arms.
    “Oh crap, she’s waking up,” Falla nervously said. “Luna, we have to go, now.”
    “I can’t leave her like this, it’s not right,” Luna said shaking her head.
    “You don’t even know this girl. Look, you saved her from drowning, good job, so let’s get going now before her family comes and kills us.”
    Slowly the young child’s eyes opened, not seeming to focus on anything as she appeared to be in a daze still. Her hand slowly moved up to touch Luna’s arm, the child wearily looking around a bit while water dripped from her hair.
    “Um… are you… okay?” Luna asked softly.
    The girl looked to her while remaining silent, her eyes just staring at the monster as the two butterfly sisters watched her carefully.
    “Who… are you?” the young girl asked quietly.
    “My name is Luna,” Luna nervously said. “I… I’m sorry, please don’t be afraid of me, I just wanted to help you.”
    “We’re not here to hurt you,” Falla added while looking around quickly. “Seriously, please don’t scream or anything.”
    “Why would I be afraid of you?” the child asked softly. Luna glanced back to her wings then to Falla before looking at the young girl with worried eyes.
    “Well… I mean… don’t I frighten you?”
    The child’s eyes moved around slightly while she remained silent, the two sisters watching as she just stared at Luna.
    “Kid?” Falla asked slowly.
    “You sound nice, you don’t frighten me,” the young girl said after a while.
    “I don’t?” Luna asked. “But… look at me. I don’t scare you at all?”
    “I can’t look at you,” the girl replied while still watching Luna with a dull stare in her eyes.
    “What do you mean can’t, you’re looking at me right now,” Luna said curiously. The child shook her head slowly as the two sisters showed puzzled expressions. After a moment the young girl showed a saddened smile.
    “No, I’m not. I can’t see anything. I’m blind.”

Chapter 2
Proposed Solution
    In the world of Eden, conflicts and battles we re all too common. Whether it be from feuding human civilizations, fighting against lustful monsters in the wild, or a simple dispute that escalated to seeing who could hit harder with their fists, getting into a fight for one reason or another was part of life in this world. However, sometimes using brute force wasn’t the way to solve a conflict, sometimes there were more peaceful alternatives to spilling blood. In the event that a solution couldn’t be reached by drawing arms then those in question would be forced to think of another way of ending their conflict. Of course this didn’t mean the fighting was over just yet for them.
    All they were doing was choosing a new battlefield to fight on.
    “You’re blind?”

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