Chronicles of Eden - Act III

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Book: Read Chronicles of Eden - Act III for Free Online
Authors: Alexander Gordon
that’s all.”
    “I am not letting this one get away!” Falla argued. “I’m sick and tired of men always getting away from us. This one promised to help me, and I’m going to make him keep his word. His seed is rightfully mine!”
    Luna nodded slowly then looked around the area worriedly.
    “Well… then what do we do now?”
    “We need to go after them and wait for another chance,” Falla said looking to where the travelers had gone. “Those other girls can’t watch him all day every day, he’ll be alone eventually, and when he is that’s when we grab him.” She then smirked and glanced to her sister.
    “Once we steal him away we’ll use him to get pregnant, both of us. You hold him down for me, and then I’ll hold him down for you. That’s what he deserves for trying to weasel out of our deal.”
    Luna watched her for a moment before a deranged smile came across her face.
    “WE’RE GOING TO RAPE HIM TOGETHER?” she screamed out before laughing crazily. Falla chuckled and nodded.
    “Yeah, why not, we’re sisters after all,” she mused, with Luna looking off towards where the caravan rode off with a twisted smile, the girl laughing wildly through a big smile on her face. Falla laughed and looked in that direction as well.
    “C’mon, Luna, his seed shall be ours!” she declared before taking off into the air with her wings. She flew up over the trees before stopping and looking back to seeing her sister still on the ground. Luna was looking off to the side with a curious expression while remaining motionless.
    “Luna? What are you waiting for, let’s go,” Falla called down.
    She watched her sister stand there for a moment then looked over to see what she was staring at. Over on the other side of the river a young girl was seen walking out from the trees. She looked to be around eleven years old, wearing a simple white and brown dress that had blood splattered all over it. The girl was missing a shoe, the one she still had on her left foot having blood on it as well, and was walking slightly off-balance while her arms remained at her sides. Her short brown hair was messy and had some leaves and dirt in it, the girl’s blue eyes wearily looking around as she stumbled out of the bushes and staggered along on the grass.
    “Is that… a kid?” Falla asked curiously.
    The child seemed to be in a daze, walking forward with unsteady steps while whimpering and murmuring to herself. Luna watched the girl curiously as the child kept walking towards the river, before promptly falling into it with a splash.
    “Oh my gosh, hey! Hey!” Luna called out as she ran over to the edge of the river. She searched around the moving river quickly before seeing the girl floating to the top of the water further away.
    “Hey!” Luna called out before she took off into the air after the kid. She flew over the water quickly, watching as the little girl remained motionless in the water while face-up.
    “Hey, are you alright?” Luna asked loudly as she flew closer to the child. She grabbed hold of the girl and flew up into the air, seeing that the girl was unconscious.
    “Please, wake up. Please wake up,” Luna begged while gently shaking her.
    “What are you doing? Put that girl down, we have to go after Daniel!” Falla called out.
    Luna shook her head and flew down towards the riverbank, with Falla groaning with annoyance before following after her.
    “Please wake up. Hey, c’mon,” Luna said gently as she landed on the grass and knelt down with the child in her arms. Falla landed next to them and looked at the young child with a raised eyebrow.
    “What are you doing?” Falla asked. “Put her down, we have get going or else we’ll lose Daniel.”
    “We can’t just leave her here, and I think she’s hurt.”
    “There’s no way a child is all the way out here on her own,” Falla reasoned shaking her head. “Her family is likely close by, and the last thing they’re going to want to see next to a kid

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