Chasing His Bunny
the files, he still had
more of the cheerful optimism of youth than his
    "We haven't seen anything
confirming another lab location with prisoners, but we can't rule
it out either," Steele said grimly.

    Brady nodded.  "We won't kill him
if we get to him first."  Brock shifted in his chair, but then
sighed and nodded when the other three men looked at him.
    "Third, you sign the standard
contract, which puts you on my team for two years.  If after a
year you want to change teams or do something else, that's fine,
but if we find Dr. Montgomery before that, your job isn't over
until the contract is up."
    "That's fine," Brady said.  He
glanced at his brothers.  "I don't think any of us will want
to get out just because we found the doctor, especially if we can
get to his boss.  Plus, I don't know what else we'd
    "You might think of something, now
that you have options," Steele said neutrally.  Especially
once they'd seen some action.  It wasn't for
    "When can we start training?" Brock
said gruffly, ignoring Steele's comment.  
    "I can send you out in two days or in
about a month," Steele said.  "The basic training runs on a
circular schedule."
    "Can you guarantee we'll come back
here?" Brice asked, looking anxious.  There was an air of
anxiety around his older brothers too, but they hid it a little
better.  Brady was especially good at a stoic expression,
something which Steele admired.  
    "Definitely," Steele said,
nodding firmly.  That would be no problem.  Each team
recruited their own unless they sent out a special call for help,
which was rarely done.  Even if that hadn't been the case,
Steele would make sure that the Bunsons were returned to their
sisters, which, in this case, returned them here because there was
no way he was letting his mate go anywhere else.  His wolf
growled at the thought of Bethany even attempting a relocation.
    The three bothers exchanged a
considering look.  "Excuse us," Brady said, giving Steele
another glance.  "We'll talk about it and get back to
    "That's fine," Steele said with a
smile.  He didn't doubt what the brothers would choose, but he
understood that they felt the need to weigh their
    Two days later, Bethany
was surprised when she found herself holding back tears as she and
Bailey said goodbye to their brothers.  After all, she had
been the one to tell them they needed to go ASAP - and en
masse.  The stupid Neanderthals had been considering taking
turns going to the training, so that one of them could stay and
watch over Bethany and Bailey, but they'd been arguing because none
of them wanted to be the one to go to a later training and possibly
miss out on finding Dr. Montgomery.
    Overhearing their argument, Bethany
had stepped in.
    One - She could take care
of herself.
    Two - She could take care
of Bailey too.
    Three - If all three
of them didn't go together, she was going to make whoever stayed
    With that kind of
encouragement, it was no surprise when they reluctantly decided
that the best course of action was to go together. 
    Maybe it was naive of them
to trust Steele and his people so quickly, but it was hard to do
anything but.  Most of them seemed incredibly friendly and
welcoming, when Bethany actually went somewhere other than the
house she and her brothers were staying at or the doctor’s where
Bailey was still spending her time.  The women were thrilled
to meet the Bunson brothers, that was for sure, and her brothers
were thrilled to meet them right back. They took turns staying with
Bailey and Bethany, so one of them was always on
    More than once she'd heard someone
refer to one of her brothers as "going at it like bunnies" and it
was all she could do not to snort.  If only they
    It was amazing how much
sex her brothers could pack into two days.  It was also
amazing how fast a man could run from Bethany when she suggested
the same thing.
    Nothing personal, of

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