Chasing His Bunny
course, it was
just that they'd heard Steele had claimed her for his own. 
All said with a strange, wondering look at the fact that she wasn't
falling into line with this whole 'mate' thing.  
    Well, fine.  But she
was horny like you wouldn't believe and she was going to get her
cherry popped one way or another.  To be perfectly honest, she
hadn't found a man in the town that she was as attracted to as
Steele, so why not him?  Not that it meant she was going to be
his mate, but hopefully if they got it on and then the others saw
that they weren't mates, she could find some more bed
partners.  Bethany fully intended to enjoy everything her new
home had to offer, in the same way her brothers were.  This
was one itch that needed some serious scratching, in as many
different ways possible. Every day of freedom just had her more and
more horny as she was denied the release her body was
craving.  Playing with herself and fantasizing (always about
Steele it seemed) just wasn't cutting it anymore.
    Plus she didn't want to be
all alone every night in the house they'd been given, at least,
alone until Bailey was released.  The youngest Bunson had been
in the infirmary for the past two days, weak but recovering and no
longer in pain, which was a huge relief to all of them. Bethany was
spending most of her time there too, once it was clear that the men
weren’t interested in her. A few of the older women in the pack had
been very friendly, but they’d also been making all sorts of hints
about an official mating ceremony for her and Steele, so she
escaped conversations with them as quickly as she could. They all
were very understanding when she explained that she needed to be
with her sister.
    So far, there were no
clear signs about what had been done to Bailey, not even the hint
of a shift, which had relieved their brothers.  Bethany was
pretty sure they were all hoping whatever “different” serum the
doctor had given Bailey had somehow failed.  Then they could
feel less guilty about leaving their sisters in someone else's
hands when they went to training, even if they'd deemed those hands
    Overprotective, but
    Bethany was selfishly glad
that they were finally leaving because she was tired of watching
them get their rocks off while she was denied!  It was like
they knew the other men in town were safe, but the second Steele
appeared at her side, suddenly so did one of her brothers. 
Followed quickly by at least one eager lady.  It super sucked
that her brothers could get laid so easily with the whole "rescued
from captivity" thing whereas she was STILL a virgin.
    But now that they were actually going,
a part of her was aching and wishing they weren't.  They'd
been in this together for so long, in the same place even if they
were separated, that it felt wrong to know that she wasn't even
going to know where they were!
    "Aww, Bethy, it's okay," Brock said,
squeezing her even more tightly.  "We don't all have to go,
one of us can stay here with you and-"
    "No!"  Bethany shook
her head even as she squeezed him tightly back.  "You're all
going, and when you get back, I'm going!"
    Behind her, she heard Mr.
Soon-To-Get-Lucky-As-Long-As-He-Keeps-His-Mouth-Shut grunt
disapprovingly.  She rolled her eyes, even though her face was
buried in Brock's chest and Steele couldn't see her.  Like
he'd be able to stop her from going to get the training if she
wanted it.  The only reason she wasn't insisting on going with
her brothers right now was because she did think someone needed to
be with Bailey, and - honestly - she was a better choice than the
overbearing, overprotective, thickheaded alpha males that were her
    After all three of her
brothers had given her back-cracking hugs, accompanied by all sorts
of well-meaning advice that she completely ignored (since most of
it was common sense anyway and she knew they were just feeling
helpless and uncomfortable about leaving her and Bailey),

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