
Read Chained for Free Online

Book: Read Chained for Free Online
Authors: Jaimie Roberts
Tags: Dark Erotica
I just need to do this.”
    Uncle sighed, then kissed me lightly on the lips. “I will be waiting.” He turned from me, opened the door, and shut it behind him.
    Just like that, I was left on my own and, just like that, I wondered what the fuck had just happened. It always felt like it had been a vision of some kind whenever he suddenly wasn’t there. It was almost as if my mind was playing tricks on me. Did he really just come in and do what he did? Did I really go down on him in my hallway? The fact that I was standing here, breathless, my lips still tingling from having him inside my mouth, my body still calming from my orgasm told me so. The whole thing just didn’t seem real, though.
    As I tied the strings of my negligee together again, I took the steps in a daze. I was confused with what was reality and what wasn’t. I knew he was here but, for some reason, my mind didn’t want to accept it when he was gone. I didn’t want him now, but ten minutes ago, I would have crawled on my hands and knees and begged him to take me. The whole thing frightened me.
    I climbed into bed and pulled the sheets over me, still in a daze. As my head unclouded, my mind immediately went back to Kit. I thought about everything that happened after I left work.
    As I closed my eyes, feeling sleep come over me, questions swam around in my head.
    Where did he learn to fight like that?
    Who was he before he became homeless?
    For how long had he been homeless?
    But the two questions that stood out from the rest were was it really just mere coincidence that Kit was down the exact same street at the exact same time as I was? And the most baffling and important question of them all? How did he know where I lived?

Chapter 3
    “You’re drunk again, Livy.”
    I looked up to see Uncle standing in my living room. He would sometimes just turn up unannounced and watch me like he was waiting for something. What the fuck it was, I didn’t know and, right now, I didn’t care. I just wanted another drink.
    I laughed, like I normally did. I loved laughing when I was drunk because once I started, I couldn’t stop. It was much better than crying.
    “I’m not drunk,” I hiccupped. “I’ve barely even started.”
    He looked down at the coffee table where my trusted best friend Jack was sitting. “Livy, you’ve drunk half the contents already.”
    I was frightened he was going to take it away from me like last time. “Why don’t you come and join me, Uncle. I’ll make it worth your while.” I licked my lips as my eyes roamed over his body. He looked fit in his navy polo shirt and jeans. He almost looked good enough to eat.
    Damn, I was fucked…although I’d never admit that. I probably just needed more to drink.
    Leaning forward, I picked up the bottle, but was surprised when Uncle didn’t move. Instead, he watched me and sighed. “When is what you’re doing to your body going to start to sink in? It’s a beautiful body and you’re ruining it.”
    I glared at him. “What do you care? You won’t help me. All you do is come here out of the blue and watch me.”
    Uncle walked forward and, instinctively, I clutched the bottle to my chest. He hesitated, shook his head, and sat down next to me.
    When he leaned forward, I thought he was going to kiss me. I would have let him because I was too pissed to care.
    Let the numbness begin .
    As he neared my lips, he lingered there for a moment. “You’re destroying yourself, but you’ll want me soon, Livy. Pretty soon, you’ll be begging me to help you.” He roamed his eyes over my face. “Mark my words. One day, you’ll get to your lowest point and I’ll be there. It may take a while, but I’ll be there. You’ll need me then. I guarantee it.” Uncle moved away and stood up.
    As he neared the door, my chest ached in the knowledge I would be on my own…again. “So I guess a quick fuck is out of the question?” In my heart, I knew what I was saying was wrong, but I was lonely and

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