Cavanaugh Hero

Read Cavanaugh Hero for Free Online

Book: Read Cavanaugh Hero for Free Online
Authors: Marie Ferrarella
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
couldn’t think of any. “Which is?”
    “Maybe whoever did it wanted to make it sound as if there were going to be other fatalities to throw us off. Maybe Holt was the killer’s only intended victim.”
    The theory had merit, she supposed. “It’s a possibility,” Charley allowed, even though she didn’t want to. This gave them far too many possibilities, far too many avenues to investigate.
    Well, at least he got her to admit that, Declan thought. Maybe this meant she wasn’t as terminally stubborn as she used to be. “This Melissa, you know her last name?”
    “Merryweather,” Charley told him, then repeated, “She didn’t do it.”
    Declan nodded, barely paying attention to her. He was busy forming plans in his head.
    “So you said. Humor me.” And then he realized that she could still be of some more use. “You wouldn’t by any chance know where we could find her, would you?”
    Charley’s expression was totally unreadable. “Other than under the first rock you come to, no.”
    “That’s okay, I can look her up once I get back to the office.”
    He didn’t ask her if she wanted a ride, because she had her own vehicle as far as he knew and besides, he was really hoping she’d given up the idea of working this with him. As gorgeous as the woman was, he had a feeling that working with her might be a challenge he’d save for another day.
    Pulling out of the driveway, he left the other detective standing there, watching him take off.
    * * *
    Declan didn’t think about her again until he was pulling up in the police department’s rear parking lot. The woman he’d left behind him was now standing by the rear entrance into the building.
    Stunned, he slammed the driver’s door behind him as he jumped out of his vehicle. He cut the distance to her in long, quick strides, hardly remembering making them.
    “How the hell did you get here ahead of me?” he asked.
    That was probably the easiest question she was going to field this week. She gave him a quick, pasted-on smile. “I drive faster than you do. You drive like a senior citizen,” she pointed out. “Let’s go up to talk to your lieutenant,” she said, reminding him of his promise.
    “Might as well,” he said, resigned as he punched the number 3 on the keypad on the silver wall. “And I drive carefully,” he corrected, taking offense at her assessment.
    “Whatever you say,” she replied.
    When they got to the office, Lieutenant Jacobs was nowhere to be found.
    “Personal emergency,” one of the other detectives in the department told them when Declan came out of the man’s office. “His wife lost control of her car—it wound up as window dressing in a boutique showroom. The lieutenant looked fit to be tied once he knew for certain his wife hadn’t killed herself. My guess is that he won’t be back today. You need help with something?” the man asked, giving Charley a scrutinizing once-over.
    “No,” Declan answered. Turning toward the woman with him, he said, “Looks like I’m on my own here.”
    “ We’re on our own.” She deliberately emphasized the first word.
    “Hey, Cavanaugh, wanna introduce me?” the detective he’d just been talking to asked, rising to his feet as he was taught in a bygone wonderfully polite era.
    “No,” Declan replied succinctly as he walked away, headed to his desk. “Okay, let me see if I can find this Melissa Merryweather,” he said more to himself than to Charley.
    He just didn’t give up, did he? she thought. Well, it was his time he was wasting. But she intended to try to follow up any shred of a lead the CSI people came up with.
    “You’re barking up the wrong tree,” she told him mildly.
    He was getting tired of hearing her say that. “Well, unless and until another tree comes leaping out at me, this is all I’ve—we’ve—” he corrected himself before she could “—got. Unless you’re keeping something from me,” he tagged on.
    She was, but it had nothing to do with

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