
Read Cake for Free Online

Book: Read Cake for Free Online
Authors: Nicole Reed
and I have inventory that night for the VIP sale the next day.”
    “Bitch, please. Let Martha or Jess help him out. Don’t make me drag your raggedy ass out.”
    “Sorry love, but my raggedy ass will be working.”
    “When the chance of seeing hot sweaty men in tight pants doesn’t lure you out, I really don’t know what I can do for you anymore. God! Please tell me this isn’t because of Trent Moss, because if it is, I swear I’m going to go all jungle girl and find his sorry ass just so I can choke him out.”
    “It’s not about Trent.”
    “And why don’t I believe you?”
    Saved by the bell, or, in this case, Jess, my newest sales assistant, as she strolls in saying, “I couldn’t help overhearing you girls.”
    Okay, so she is proven to not only be terrific in sales, but a good listener, if not a little too nosey. Great.
    “Okay, who is this Trent Moss? You talk like he is the next Channing Tatum or something,” Jess asks as she hops up to sit her size zero tiny butt on the edge of my desk, loudly popping the chewing gum in her mouth.
    I glance from my personal conversation with Madison to her, rolling my eyes as they land directly on Jess. “Lose the gum, it isn’t allowed around the store inventory.”
    Right in front of me, she leans her platinum blonde head over and spits it in the trash. My. Trash. Can! If she wasn’t so adept when it comes to fashion, I don’t think this would be a mutually beneficial situation. Was I ever this stupid at her age?
    “C’mon, I’ve been listening to you both go on and on about this guy for weeks. What gives? Who is he and where can I find one?”
    My annoyance simmers just a little; however, instead of telling her to get back to work, I find myself giving her a short answer first. Lifting my eyes up to hers, I begin, “Trent is just a guy I met in college.”
    Madison’s guffaw of laughter makes us both jump. Holding her hand up in my face, she barely spits out, “Dear Lord, you did not say he is just a guy you met in college.” Turning fully towards Jess, she continues to laugh, “Trent was the guy she met in college. As in, the girl took one look at him and fell head-over-heels. You see, Trent was this sexy do-gooder college boy that all the girls were gaga’ing with their lady parts over. Except yours truly,” she pauses only to point at herself, “because I like my boys dark and dirty.”
    I return with my own burst of laughter, “No, it’s more dark and dense. And let’s get something straight, Trent was more than just your average college boy. He set out to change the world and save lives,” I reply towards Jess, “he is an Environmental Engineer that travels to third-world countries to establish clean water supplies. While there, he helps build schools, orphanages, and medical centers. He is the most caring, humanitarian that I know, and he is my best friend ,” I emphasis the last part for Mads. It always makes her jealous to hear me say that he is my B.F.F.
    “She wishes friends with benefits, but the boy likes his chicks granola-fed and tree-hugging. Alas, he sees our dear maiden as his personal assistant slash friend when he needs her,” she says dramatically. “One night of drunken college passion, that he doesn’t even remember, does not a relationship make.”
    “Shut it, Mads.” There are some things that I do not need, nor want, anyone to ever know. My stupidity in ever confiding to Madison when I should have kept my mouth shut. Giving her the evil eye seems to quiet her for a second.
    “He sounds great,” Jess says sarcastically. “Almost as if Mother Theresa and Gandhi got together with the Peace Corps, had an orgy, and spit out a child. What I really want to know is his stats and do the inche s add up?” She holds up each of her index fingers to show about seven inches in measurement. “C’mon Miss Lord, you’re semi-young still. Tell me the stuff

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