
Read Cake for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Cake for Free Online
Authors: Nicole Reed
that really matters.”
    Frozen by the sheer audacity this girl has, it takes me a second to recover, but before I can add my scathing reply, Madison opens her big mouth.
    “I think I have a serious girl-crush,” Mads says to Jess as they share smiles with one another. “The man is a hottie in an ‘I need a shower and shave look’. Longish thick-curly brown hair with matching dark eyes, lean-muscled body, and I haven’t seen it, but I’ve heard from good authority that the banana is ripe and hard, if you get what I’m sayin’.”
    “Enough!” I stand, yelling at both of them. “Jess, back to work. That is if you still want your job?”
    Smiling at Madison, she turns to me and replies as she walks back to the front of the store, “Sounds like I need to find some granola to munch on and a tree to love.”
    The clicking of her heels on the floor grates my nerves. Turning towards Mads, I ask, “Really?” She only shrugs back at me. Gathering my purse, I decide to call it a day.
    “Where are we going for dinner?”
    Rounding on her, I reply, “Are you kidding me? You just told an employee of mine one of my inner-most secrets that only the good Lord above and you know about. Don’t make me take you out of the equation.”
    Mads’s laughter follows me as I walk to the front of the store. “Jess, I’m out for the night. If you need me, please just call my cell.”
    “Will do, Boss,” she flippantly replies.
    Turning to walk back, Madison leans against the wall her arms crossed against her chest.
    “Look, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. Let me take you out tonight to make it up to you.”
    “No thanks. I’ve had a long day. I’m emotionally spent after spending the day with my aunt.”
    “Which is why you need to get out. If I know Aunt Leigh as well as I think I do, she would tell you to get your fabulous phat ass ready. And I mean that with a P...H. There is a small get together downtown for some new artist. I wasn’t planning on attending, but I know how you like that anime artsy junk.”
    I start to reply no, when I remember the words spoken today with my aunt. Before I can think things through, I answer, “Let me find us something fabulous to wear then.”
    Smiling at me, I see the relief on Madison’s face.
    “Follow me up. I have some new inventory in my apartment.”
    As we head to my upstairs, she begins to tell me about Lil Rip’s hectic tour schedule, as if I care, but I listen as she details all of it because she’s my friend. Hearing Jonsie’s barks before even I open the door, Mads groans.
    “I really hate that little shit.”
    Laughing, I reply, “Believe me, it’s mutual.”
    Loving on him for a second, he laps up the attention until I feel his little body go stiff as he turns towards Mads. Low growls emanate from his throat, making him sound pissed.
    “Calm down, mini-Cujo. I’ll feed you to my cat if you bite me on the ass again tonight.”
    Giggling, I answer for him, “He only bit you because you were lying on his side of the bed the last time you were over.” Mads never did anything to him. He’s always disliked her on site, which, deep down, she hates. We’ve both tried to bribe him to like her to no avail.
    “Well he’s lucky that he has a little mouth, and I had thick jeans on. Otherwise, we would know the answer to if All Dogs Go To Heaven. I certainly believe this little devil would not.”
    A barrage of barks sounds as I take him downstairs to do his business. Once we are back up, I feed him and refill his water, returning him back to his crate as I head back to my bedroom. Rifling through the new inventory that I still haven’t decided to personally keep or not, I pick an outfit out for each of us.
    “I really do hate that you can wear almost all of this with your figure and I only get a piece here or there that will fit over my hips,” I say to

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